Friday, October 14, 2016

Progs need to Look in "Wright" Place

To Find Lewd Comments Similar to Trump's

Poor Michelle has been "shaken to her core".  Lebron James said, "We [professional athletes] don't disrespect women in no shape or form".

The Obamas invited rapper Rick Ross to the White House after he had lost a footwear endorsement for bragging in a song that he spiked women's drinks. (He obviously placed women on a pedestal and wanted to keep them safe from driving while drunk.)  He had also been charged with pistol-whipping a contractor doing repairs on his house.  His ankle monitor went off during his visit to the White House!

The Obamas have invited numerous rap and hip-hop singers to the White House whose song lyrics objectify women as sex toys.

Trump was wrong to call his language "locker room talk".  It's "church talk" for Black Liberation preachers.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Oh the Huma(nity)!


They were once joined at the hip, Hillary and Huma Abedin.  They were so close that Huma was thought of as a daughter, and Huma even carried Hillary's cellphone.  (The ringing causes Hillary to fall over like a fainting goat.)  Now, Huma is missing.  Have you heard about that from the news?  Of course not.  Huma was becoming a liability.  She separated from her philandering husband, which shows she has more sense - or less greed - than Hillary.  She and her family have been linked to a Muslim publication that blamed America for 9/11 and also disparaged women, as Muslim publications are want to do.  It could be that Huma has just taken on another full-time job.  Huma, by her lonesome, dropped the unemployment rate a full 1 percent with all the jobs she performed while being an employee of the State Department.

Her disappearance should be newsworthy.  Bad things tend to happen to people that get between the Clintons and money and power.  Just ask Colin Powell.  Or, just read his hacked emails.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Black Lives Matter, Same For Black Noses

There are benefits to being black.  One benefit to having a black nose is brown-nosing doesn't show.  Ayatollah Khamenei, in between shouts of "Death to America", said in a recent speech, "Why should I sully my left hand when I have Obama's nose".  It's true.  You can set that baby in concrete because it's truer and more level than anything you'll hear from Hillary Clinton.

Barack Obama took time out from his rush to close GITMO to rush $1.7 billion in cash to Iran.  He had to do it, said he, because an international legal judgement against America concerning a $400 million weapons deal begun by the Shah of Iran and never finalized probably would cost America more money.

Let's go out on a long, skinny limb and say Obama is right.  And, let's also say a World Court awarded a judgement of $5 billion to Iran.  Now, Iran gets $5 billion to fuel its boats to intimidate and insult our Navy, and buy Russian missiles to protect its nuclear sites that are still churning out uranium because Obama and Kerry gave Iran exemptions to the nuclear deal.  Obama would pay out the $5 billion quickly to keep the good will coming from Iran going.

That's what a retard like Obama would do.  (He's either a retard or a closet Muslim.)  What would I do?  I'd tell Iran and the world that I just paid Iran by taking $5 billion off their tab.  The tab of $53 billion Iran owes to American citizens in federal court awarded judgements against Iran for killing American marines in Beirut in 1982 and for other acts of terrorism that killed Americans.

Will Iran ever pay America $53 billion?  So, why was Barack Obama so eager to give Iran $1.7 billion?  Has Iran become more civil due to Obama's brown-nosing or has their barbarism increased?

Retard or closet Muslim.  Pick your poison.

Friday, September 2, 2016

It's a Dog-Eat-Dog World

And It Always Has Been

One thing that brings me hope is when I read about an ignorant, old coot reaching the very top of his profession.  That suggests there is still the possibility I might one day head up the Department of Transportation.  No one provides me with more hope than Pope Francis.

I don't know how much Pope Francis knows about religion in general and Catholicism specifically.  Most of his proclamations that make widespread news concern climate change and Mankind's other sins against the planet.  He's preaching to the choir - the main stream media - when he talks about manmade global warming and the sins of capitalism.

In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis stated, "God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth."  I didn't know Pope Francis knew so much about the Playboy Mansion.

If there ever was a divine, bountiful garden since the Garden of Eden, it surely would have existed in pre-colonial America.  A very sparsely populated land with plenty of freshwater, woodlands and fertile soil, America before European colonization must have been a "bountiful garden" Pope Francis spoke of.  Well, the bountiful garden nearly starved the Pilgrims to death.  Had it not been for the native Indian, Squanto, who taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, the Pilgrims' colony could have failed.  One has to wonder why God hadn't provided the rows of corn ready-to-eat when the Pilgrims disembarked from the Mayflower.

Even if Man did not exist, Earth would not be a garden of plenty for the animals.  Wildebeests would still have to cross rivers having hungry crocodiles in their migration to find sufficient grasses.  Tribes of monkeys would still declare war on one another for that single fig tree.  A pack of wild dogs would fight a clan of hyenas that fought a pride of lions for a territory that had only enough herbivores to sustain one species of carnivore.  An undeveloped Garden of Eden planet is only a pipe dream in the minds of lunatics like Al Gore and Pope Francis.

Actually, the only resource I can think of that God made firsthand in overflowing abundance are carbon-bearing fuels - coal, oil, and natural gas.  It takes Man's ingenuity and resourcefulness to put these carbon-bearing natural resources to work in creating better lifestyles for everyone, but liberals can't stand that.  Carbon fuels liberate people and liberals want to control people.

Pope Francis said, "Let us repent of the harm we are doing our common home".  As one way to repent, Pope Francis suggested avoiding the use of plastic and paper.  So, to repent your sins you might consider avoiding the use of toilet paper for a month.  It probably won't save the planet, but I will bet you'll have a deeper appreciation that some capitalistic entrepreneur came up with the idea of turning trees into charmin' rolls.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

BBC, The Barack Broadcasting Company

"Thank you for starting your morning with the BBC.  Grab a cup of coffee and prepare your brain to doublethink!"

"Our lead story this morning is:  Thanks to the leadership of our illustrious Secretary of State, there wasn't one incidence of terrorism overnight to report.  John Kerry's tenure at State has been so remarkable, especially his negotiations with Iran to end that regime's lawlessness, that president Obama laughingly suggested the media stop covering Kerry because he makes the next President of the United States look bad in comparison."

"In Paris, a man-caused accident was responsible for an ice cream delivery truck going out of control and killing sixty-two Parisians celebrating Bastille Day.  According to one eye-witness the driver tried to warn the crowd by yelling out "Yoohoo!"  or something that sounded like that.  Here is sound on tape of President Francois Hollande's remarks following the accident (cut to video), "While this was a horrific accident that took so many lives, we must not forget the greater good that ice cream has on combating global warming.  Ice cream deliveries must continue.""

"The Supreme Court yesterday in a 5-3-1 decision, having new justice Michael Moore seated, found preborns not to be persons, but property.  According to the decision, preborns have not moved the necessary 18 inches that would qualify them for personhood.  Michael Moore recused himself because he couldn't remember the last time he moved 18 inches."

"The Kremlin is reporting that it found a Blackberry belonging to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with 55,000 emails.  According to a government spokesperson every email was about either Chelsea's wedding,  Clinton's funeral arrangements for her mother, condolence notes to friends, yoga routines, or family vacations.  The Kremlin is wondering how Clinton found any time to do Department of State work."

Monday, August 29, 2016

Colin Kaepernick's Next Jersey?

When the miner Forty-niner
Soon began to speak and whine,
Thought he oughter "jine" the slaughter
And cut the head off Clementine.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Ultimate in Stains and Odors Removal


If it's good enough for the White House, it's good enough for your house.


Read the testimonials:

"Bleach Bit(ch) removes the stains and odors from blue dresses!"
Bill Clinton



"Before Bleach Bit(ch), I had to use industrial chlorine to clean stains from my country.  That left a faint red mark.  With Bleach Bit(ch), I've cleaned up my whole country and no red marks!"
Bashar al Assad



"Nothing cleans infidel's blood from your knife better than Bleach Bit(ch), and I thought the other product I had been using for 8 years was great!"
ISIS, ISIL, DASH or "just people comparable to Catholics that murder(Pope Francis)"


"We were once afraid the our business model might be ridiculed by the public.  Being both a provider of women's health and a meat market might have been frowned upon.  Bleach Bit(ch) has proven that the public has progressed to where we can now expand and open Lampshades-R-Us."
Cecile Richard, CEO of Planned Parenthood


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Not Exactly 99 Beers on the Wall

"My kingdom for a penny!"
Obama still owes Iran 13 cents.


POTUS should stand for President Obama Tells Us Shit.  He is a brazen liar.  His latest, undeniable lie was that payments to Iran could not be wire transferred.  Thirteen wire transfers of $99,999,999.99 each were made to Iran.

Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and should be impeached.

The question of impeachment turns on the meaning of the phrase in the Constitution at Art. II Sec. 4, "Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors". I [Jon Roland, Constitution Society]  have carefully researched the origin of the phrase "high crimes and misdemeanors" and its meaning to the Framers, and found that the key to understanding it is the word "high". It does not mean "more serious". It refers to those punishable offenses that only apply to high persons, that is, to public officials, those who, because of their official status, are under special obligations that ordinary persons are not under, and which could not be meaningfully applied or justly punished if committed by ordinary persons.

Under the English common law tradition, crimes were defined through a legacy of court proceedings and decisions that punished offenses not because they were prohibited by statutes, but because they offended the sense of justice of the people and the court. Whether an offense could qualify as punishable depended largely on the obligations of the offender, and the obligations of a person holding a high position meant that some actions, or inactions, could be punishable if he did them, even though they would not be if done by an ordinary person.  Offenses of this kind survive today in the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It recognizes as punishable offenses such things as perjury of oath, refusal to obey orders, abuse of authority, dereliction of duty, failure to supervise, moral turpitude, and conduct unbecoming. These would not be offenses if committed by a civilian with no official position, but they are offenses which bear on the subject's fitness for the duties he holds, which he is bound by oath or affirmation to perform.

When Barack Obama took his oath of office, that meant he was perpetually under oath during his duties as President, and subject to perjury.  The same is true for Hillary Clinton.  Under the UCMJ, a soldier, sailor or marine would face court marshal and possible prison for perjury of oath, abuse of authority, failure to supervise, moral turpitude (shameful, base character), and conduct unbecoming.  There is considerable evidence that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of the offenses listed in italics above.  During an impeachment that should take place for both of them, it might be learned there was no failure to supervise and they were highly aware and orchestrated much the corruption in their administrations.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Idiocracy Comes to America

The movie Idiocracy, which I have never seen, is about an average-intelligence man being put into suspended animation for centuries and then awakening in a world of idiots where he is now a genius.

If I were to borrow the theme of Idiocracy for the make-believe movie Idiocy, I'd have the inventor, political scientist, builder, polyhistor Thomas Jefferson come back to life in present-day America.  [polyhistor - a person of great and varied learning.]  Jefferson would listen to an Obama speech and say afterward, "You know, we founding fathers were going to free the slaves when they were ready.  They still aren't ready."  

Idiocy is not a politically-correct movie, so it will never be made.  It suggests that the slave trade was partly a Mendelian genetics experiment, using people instead of peas.  Slave selection was based on choosing brawn over brains.  Then, breeding the "pea-brains" developed the right kind of offspring.

Today's offspring run like the wind, jump like gazelle, and dominate professional sports, but they vote almost 100% Democrat decade after decade.  And decade after decade, the Democrats they help elect insure their continued poverty and joblessness.  This situation is called The Great Society by Democrat politicians.  It's great because they stay in power.

According to the movie, Africans avoided slavery by either being somewhat smart or being puny weaklings.  There were even Africans that avoided slavery by being somewhat smart and puny weaklings.  One such African was Kunta Kinte.  Like many of the somewhat smart Africans, he converted to Islam to appease the Muslim slave traders.  He also changed his name to Mohammed Hussein Obama and began selling out his brothers and sisters.  One of Mohammed's descendants doesn't run like the wind, jump like a gazelle, and can't even master hitting a little white ball straight, but he does an excellent job selling out his brothers and sisters - on both sides of his family tree. 

The plot of Idiocy is just too stupid for the movie to make any money should it be made.  Part of the movie script involves a white, "no ways tarred" former Secretary of State throwing one of the country's most renowned black men under the bus to save her political bacon, and she still manages to get over 90% of the black vote.  Now, that is just too stupid to believe.