Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Take the Left's "Logic" To Its Natural Conclusions

Bill Nye, the science guy, has a video titled "Can We Stop telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?".

Whoopie Goldberg has blasted critics of Planned Parenthood, telling them to "Get out of my vagina!"

This is how the Left defends abortion: You can't tell a woman what to do with her own body.  But, try to think of a law that doesn't pertain to controlling people's behavior, which is the same as telling them what they can do and can't do with both their minds and their bodies.

As much as I'd like to, I  can't scream "FIRE!" in a crowded theater to see how many Muslims would be trampled in the stampede.  If I did it enough times, I might break the Mecca record, and I'm still waiting for my fifteen minutes of fame or infamy that I'm entitled to. What gives government the right to control my tongue?  "Get out of my mouth!"

For some reason there is a law against pedophilia.  If an adult man has, in his mind, a healthy and natural desire for sexual relations with a child, what right does society have to regulate the man's desire, especially if the child is receptive to the pedophile?  And, at what point, does it matter if the child is receptive or not?  A preborn is never receptive to an abortionist's forceps, but that never matters.  Child rape is such an inflammatory term. Let's be more politically correct and start calling it rug rat wrestling, and let's stop telling a man what he can and cannot do with his own penis for God's sake!

Of course, if society is going to make it lawful for a woman to kill a person currently living in her womb because society can't tell women what to do with their bodies, then it crosses the line from sanity to insanity for a society to outlaw suicide.  But then, that line wasn't just crossed, it was stampeded.

Friday, October 2, 2015

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

Jesus H Christ!  There, once again, was Barack Obama preempting my TV shows.  Once again, he was back in Chicago giving a speech after a particularly violent, bloody weekend in the windy city.  Again, he was telling thousands of onlookers that some of the strictest gun laws in the country had failed to protect them, that they had much more to fear from black on black violence than from the police, that they lived in constant fear of gang violence because of lax enforcement of immigration laws and a Democratic party that had failed to protect them.

This speech was more entertaining than usual.  The "hot mike" incident was a hoot!  Prior to beginning his speech, Obama was overheard telling an aide that this quickly planned trip to Chicago almost made him forget to insult Netanyahu by taking Kerry and Samantha Powers away from Bibi's UN speech for an "important teleconference".  Obama also threw his own religion under the bus when he told his fellow Chicagoans that, while things are bad in Chicago, at least they didn't live in Mecca where a thousand people can be trampled to death during the Hajj pilgrimage.  What about those jokes from Obama?

Why do Muslims take their shoes off before entering a mosque?
Answer:  They're less inclined to stampede.

Why do Muslims touch their foreheads to a carpet when they pray?
Answer:  It cushions their heads when they're stepped on.

What's the difference between the running of the bulls and the Hajj pilgrimage?
Answer:  Bulls don't shout, "There is no god but Allah!" 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The 80s Called, Obama

They wanted to know if you wanted to trade up to Jimmy Carter's backbone.  They'll throw in Jimmy's lips that he kissed Brezhnev with since you've worn your's out kissing mullah and Putin ass.