Friday, July 27, 2012

Amphibians and Fabians

Frogs croak on littoral logs
And progs croak on blogs.
A bull bellows a romantic hit
While the prog has a virtual fit.
Progs praise Margaret and George B. Shaw.
Shaw, in celluloid, made the eternal faux pas.
Just like Margaret,
Shaw wanted to exterminate the weak.
Progressives should be ephemeral
And croak in a week.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Proctological Gymnastics

The DYNAMIC DUOdenum, Butt Man and Colon Polyp, like to play with their balls before putting them in their holes.

Barney the Hiney Sore taught them this exercise.

CAUTION:  Do not try this gymnastics move at home or your hiney will be sore too!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Postulates of the State

Postulate 1.  Nothing greater than the State exists

Postulate 2.  Since nothing greater than the State exists, the State is infallible.

Postulate 3.  The State has proven the truth of Darwinism.  The science cannot be questioned.  You, the individual, are the outcome of chaotic, random and mindless natural processes.  There is no God.  Ergo, there are no God-given rights.  You were not intended to be here.

Postulate 4.  The State has proven the truth of manmade climate change.  The science cannot be questioned.  You, the individual,  by just existing are a dangerous polluter.  It is in your nature.  You breath in priceless oxygen and breath out planet-burning carbon dioxide.  You digest the waving grains and create the greenhouse gas methane.  It would be better if you were not here.

Postulate 5.  The State accepts as fundamental truths that you were not intended to be here and it would be better if you were not here.  But, since you are here: You can make yourself useful by getting your ass to work serving the State.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Great Blue Uprising


In the worst slanders ever done to native Americans, I give you:

Obama Say

Forget Confuscius, there's a new wiser man in town.
Obama say capitalist is doctor who cuts off feet so you not run to save tonsils.
Obama say money is root of all evil.  I will make you most righteous people on planet.
Obama say man cannot live by whole wheat bread alone.  Michelle will allow you carrot sticks too.
Obama say phrase "campaign stop" very inscrutible.
Obama say flipping bird at Bush worth more than 2 swing states in hand.
Obama say if at first you don't succeed, lie lie again.
Obama say there more than one way to skin cat, but I'd rather eat dog.
Obama say a Holder good place to carry an extra pair of super large cojones.
Obama say in Dreams From My Father white folk's greed runs a world in need.  (He really does)
Obama say Michelle, Valerie Jarrett and Elizabeth Warren tossed Churchill because his bust prettier than theirs.
Obama say he need 4 more years to find Oval Office and go to work.  He only find circular room so far.