Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Break a Leg

But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg. ...
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was speaking of religious freedom in the quote above, but the sentiment is applicable to many, if not most topics in life.  What my neighbor thinks or does, if it causes me no harm or society harm, then it's his business, her business, or any of the other fifty-plus genders of Facebook's business.
What cattleman Bundy and NBA owner Sterling think picks no pocket or breaks any bone.  Sterling was about to receive a lifetime achievement award from the NAACP.  Obviously, his racist attitude wasn't having much influence on what he did with his money.  But, the news media will run stories on these two men through at least the midterm elections, hoping the two's rascism can be pinned on the Republican party.
The only newsworthy story in the Sterling affair is one about human psychology.  What made Sterling's girlfriend record their conversations and release them?  What made her want to kill the goose laying the gold eggs?  One idea I have is that she doesn't care if the whole world knows she's a gold digger, but she'll be damned if she'll let one person think she's a nigger gold digger.  This idea works just as well when I apply it to Barack Obama.
Barack Obama and a high percentage of African Americans must believe that America invented racism and bigotry, and more specifcally, whites invented racism.  In fact, the only thing America's whites invented was the strong desire and political structures to eliminate it.
To listen to Obama, one must assume he doesn't realize that his much-beloved Muslims are probably the most bigoted people on the planet.  Arabs were chief enablers of the African slave trade.  Muslims openly refer to Jews as monkeys.
On his trip to Asia, Obama could (may) have talked to the previous leader of Malaysia who believes the Malay people should receive affirmative action to help them economically keep up with those "Chinese" people.
The worst instance of bigotry that happened in America recently didn't come from Bundy or Sterling.  It came out of the Obama administration.  John Kerry stated that Israel was on track to become an apartheid nation if it didn't reach an accord with the Palestinians.  Kerry's remark was slanderous, demeaning, bigoted, and a bald-faced lie.
The only coverage the Main Stream Media is likely to do on Kerry's bigotry is to simply show Jen Psaki of the State Department answer one question in defense of Kerry, and then return to the Bundy and Sterling stories.  For myself, before moving on to Obama's Singles and Doubles foreign diplomacy, I'll wonder if Jen Psaki's middle name is Sherry.  God knows you need to be wasted on gin, sake or sherry to take Washington DC.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Did You Think Obama Went to Asia to Work?


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Or Your Money Back


The proven 100% effective way to eliminate Democrats.

Do you work hard for your earnings only to see varmints take it away?  If so, then why the hell do you put up with them?  DEM B GON can rid you of these varmints, once and for all.  And DEM B GON is the only humane extermination product in a can.  Using proprietary aerosol technology, DEM B GON uses pure oxygen loaded with extracts from cinnamon, blueberries, vitamins B6 and B12, broccoli, fish oil, black currents, tomato skins, and the nail clippings of Charles Krauthammer.  (Charles has more brains in his little finger, you know.)  

Just spray DEM B GON in the face of any Democrat and their IQ and reasoning power is instantly boosted.  Independent labs have verified that Democrats after just one treatment can beat chimpanzees two out of three times in chess.  One spray from DEM B GON and Democrats see the error of their ways.

Disclaimer:  DEM B GON only works on living, breathing Democrats.  Dead Democrats will still go to the polls and vote for Democrat politicians.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Summer Read

You don't get high technology.  The technologies of coal power plants and nuclear power generation evade your comprehension, but you understand perfectly well the idea of a pinwheel rotating in the wind.  The concept is familiar to you because it's very similar to the squirrel cages in the heads of your supporters.  While the rest of the world is on iphones, you stick with an old-fashioned Blackberry and ponder:   Just what is this cloud people are talking about?  Is it caused by global warming?

You had just become familiar enough with Windows XP to double-click your mouse on a Windows desktop icon. (Mouse and squirrel, Natasha, where would world be without them?)  Now, Microsoft is ending support for XP and you're going to have to go to Microsoft 8.  You think maybe putting Bill Gates in jail might make him change his mind.  This worked with the media when your and Hillary's incompetence over Benghazi was not exposed by jailing a video maker.   But, Gates is helping finance Common Core, and Common Core will educate the kind of citizens America needs.  People like those at Occupy Wall Street who know where the restrooms are - right there next to the cop cars - and people who know how to vote in more than one state for Democrats.

You decide jailing Gates isn't such a good idea because it would set a bad precedent.  Not realizing you've already set the precedent, you BAD president.  No, you decide you'll muddle through.  I only hope America and the world can muddle through the two and a half years left in your second and final term.  Muddling through is the best we can expect.  The worst we can expect is none of us being around for Microsoft's discontinuance of Microsoft 8 support.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Day Obama Saved Mankind

Aliens came down from the sky
Prior to an Obama whopping lie.
They went back to their ship
And said, "Earthmen we skip
For ingredients to luscious brain pie."
Reproductive health for a Democrat
Is just like celibacy for an alley cat.
What no period can tell
Is go see Gosnell
And where waiting 8 months is stat.
How do you tell Sebelius from Tiller?
One took the money from the other, the killer.
She and Barack
Could be hands of a clock
As their profiles resemble a Greek pillar.
Dirty Harry don't like cattlemen.
Hard work, for him, is rustling a pen.
His son totally agrees
Advising Chinese for fees.
Tape worms are their next of kin.
Grazing cattle and desert turtles,
Michael Moore and slimming girdles,
They don't get along
Like Barack and a bong.
Rhyming this limerick poses too many hurdles.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Putin Took Crimea as an Act of Love

Jeb Bush is running for president.  Hillary is running for president.  I'm running for the border.
Joe Biden said illegal immigrants are already citizens. (They probably do already vote.)  Jeb said illegal immigrants didn't commit a felony but an act of love.  I guess Mexican "mules" carrying drugs across our border is just an act of capitalism.
Why don't the progs just let us take Mexico as an act of love?  We capitalists will rape the land of its vast amounts of oil, gold and other valuable resources and make everyone in Mexico at least middle class.  (I don't know why the Mexicans haven't thought of this.)  That way, there's no immigration problem and no Democrat voters crossing our border.  Initially, we'll have tp put up with the squalor and terrible crime of Mexico City, but we already have to put up with that.  We call it Detroit.
Here's the plan:  Operation Gringo starts May 6, 2015 at noon.  The Latinos will be weary from celebrating Cinco de Mayo and they will be taking a siesta.  (Sure, I'm a bigot.  But I'm a bigot trying to keep casualties to a minimum.)