Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama is So Mad About the Ukraine, He Could Screen

And He Did
Wednesday, after working on his NCAA basketball brackets, Obama screened the movie Cesar Chavez.  Screening a movie is the same as watching a movie, except the viewers are VIPs, vain ignominious pricks.  A synonym for ignominious is contemptible.  And contemptible is a good word for Obama because you can't spell it without con.
Thursday, Obama went on Ellen Degeneres to hawk his healthcare program.  Obama made it clear to Putin that he can do anything he wants in Eastern Europe, but he better not come within a parsec of Obamacare or ICBMs will be launched. 
At Wednesday's screening of Cesar Chavez, Obama said, "Cesar himself said that he spent his first 20 years working as an organizer without a single major victory." 
Cesar sounds like Obama.  I bet the two had a lot in common.  Cesar probably urinated on heads of lettuce destined to be consumed by the gringos he likely detested, and Obama is simply more direct in showing his detestation.
With Obama being an utter disgrace and showing no compassion for the Ukrainians, I don't understand why there aren't screams for impeachment or public outcrys for him to resign.  Perhaps the reason there aren't these protestations can be found in a movie.
In the movie World War Z, a pathogen infects people, and in a matter of seconds turns them into mindless brutes.  They become listless, anti-social monsters having only one purpose:  Spread the pathogen by viciously attacking normal, thinking people.  They're like Democrats, except Democrats want to spread the pathogen progressivism and not some viral Zombiism.  In the movie, what drives the zombies absolutely wild and able to scale 50 foot walls is the sound of normal, thinking people celebrating, much like Bob Beckel reacting to the other 4 hosts of The Five.
I have concluded that there are no significant, widespread protestations against Obama because It's Over.   The world is too far gone.  When teens would rather stay home and text and Facebook than go to a school prom, when the only reactions from Republican congressmen to Russian aggression is to post stupid tweets, when the American public idly sits by and lets its government break promises to Poland, Czechoslavkia, Ukraine, and Iranian dissidents in Iraq, then its time to employ the only defense you have left.
Be quiet.  Be as quiet as a church mouse, and for God's sake, don't celebrate.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dribs and Drabs

Let's spend an appropriate amount of time discussing Obama's international successes.
Now, let's move on to other topics.
What say we brainstorm Obama's successes in job creation and the economy?
Whoa!  Let's quickly move on.  You don't want to keep your nuerons in stasis for too long.  At our ages, it's hard to crank them back up.
Let's discuss the benefits of Obamacare.
We've worn that topic out, so let's move on.
Now, let's have an in-depth discussion on how Obama has stayed true to his oath of office.  To help you out, here is the presidential oath of office:
 “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
We've beat that horse to death, so it's time to move on.
Now, I'd like to spend some time pointing out the differences between a Democrat voter and a zombie.
OK, then.  We're almost through.
Let's end with a discussion about Obama winning the Nobel peace prize.
You know, not every dipshit can win a Nobel peace prize.  Many times, it's the dippiest shit on the planet that wins it.
Yasser Arafat won one.  Yasser thought the Third Reich translated into Arabic as the "Third Right", which was killing Jews with impunity.  Yasser's First Right was wearing a tablecloth on his head, and his Second Right was making a woman use her left hand to clean his bottom.  When Obama cuts and runs in Afghanistan, Afghan men will be able to exercise their Second Right once more.  Obama will show their Second Right more respect than he shows ours.
Al Gore shared the Nobel peace prize with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  They won for "their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change".  But, these cerebrally-challenged knuckle-draggers spend more time hiding knowledge that repudiates their claims of man-made climate change.  If there was any justice in this progressive world - a topic requiring as much ink as Obama successes - then the Audubon Society would put out Wanted Dead or Alive posters on these Nobel recipients for backing solar collectors that fry birds to a crisp and wind turbines that shred birds and bats to pieces, including bald eagles.
Jimmy Carter also won a Nobel peace prize.  Jimmy kissed the cheeks of Leonid Brezhnev.  All four.  Jimmy remained hostage in the White House, in solidarity with the Iranian hostages that stayed in captivity for 444 days during his presidency.  Jimmy has gone to North Korea multiple times to do whatever it is he does.  If he put some bling in his nose, ears and mouth, you couldn't tell the difference between his diplomatic skills and Dennis Rodman's.  But, Jimmy isn't without some redeeming qualities.  He works hard with Habitat for Humanity and he's a pretty good carpenter, except he doesn't like the term "striking nails".  He prefers to think of it as "accomodating them".  You know, I never understood what Jimmy meant when he said he was born again.  Now, I think he meant he was born again in Hawaii.
Or was it Kenya?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

It's Not Enough to Be Right

There are imbeciles that lean far to the left
With tiny brains that fall through palates' cleft.
When one opens its mouth,
Its tiny brain drops due South
Leaving it to talk where all sense is bereft.
You've heard the imbecile talking global warming.
It screams "Heat!" while on its nose frostbite's forming.
Northern Alaska was so hot
During a dinosaur epoch
That succulent plants were drenched during storming.
And what of the imbecile loving Darwin,
Drinking scotch and hopping in its car when
Before a loveless poke
Came a bridge and a soak.
Thank God!  There were no delays then.
If we were both right and humane
We'd grab the imbecile and scramble its brain.
We'd rotate its bod,
Crush its skull with a rod
Because life's not worth living while insane.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Going Postal in Emails

Pelosi moonlights as a bearded lady.
For anonymity, she's Unshaved Sadie.
Facial lifts she's done
Till pubic hair sees sun
And fleas find her chin quite shady.
Lil' Barry don't like Green Eggs and Ham
Because he's a closet muz-lamb.
Give him a crayon
No red line could he stay on
But he'll draw America into a jamb.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.  Like birds opening milk bottles and fishing with pieces of bread, these three's unparalleled audacity in mendacity must be an example of cultural transmission.  Perhaps, the first birdbrain that learned to "open the milk bottle" was Bill Clinton, who passed it on to Hillary Clinton and then to all Democrat politicians.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Don't Eat Burritos After Nine

I dreamed about the Westminster dog show
Where the purest of dogs was dealt a low blow.
A dog of lowest breed
On Lady Liberty peed
And hiking both legs in the air stole the show.
I dreamed of the Westminster cathedral,
All filled with EMPed people.
They were eating their own
Down to the bare bone
And body parts skewered on the church steeple.
There were well over 100 million people killed by tyrants in the twentieth century.  What say, John Kerry, we go for well over 200 million in the twenty-first century.  With tyrants like "Little Kim", imbeciles like you and Obama, and media lapdogs like Bill O'Reilly, it's going to be a slamdunk.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I'm Only Packing Poetry, So Don't Shoot

There once was a cowpie named Kerry
Who only ate the cream of Ben and Jerry.
When the 21st century came,
He proclaimed the world tame
And G8 nations would be like cows on a dairy.
There's nothing uglier than a political prog.
There's more beauty in slugs on a rotting log.
If I had my wish,
They'd be stomped till they squish.
Let's start with those two on a White House jog.
There once was a man named Bob Beckel
Who was more of a Hyde than a Jekyll.
He befriended Perino
And little did she know
He fancied her bra he'd unbuckle.
(The only capitalism Bob Beckel seems to appreciate is teen girls practicing prostitution.)
There once was a pussy named Reid
Who sprang from the dirt where rats peed.
He favored Pelosi,
But Barack mostly.
No matter, they all lived the same creed.