Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Much is That Darky in the Window?

Image result for obama looking out window

I'm not a racist.  I'm just appropriating the bigotry of David Duke to make a point.  It's not appropriate (ah-pro-pree-it) to appropriate (ah-pro-pree-ate) in Obama World or Hill Country, so I'll make my point quickly.

If progressives had zero political clout, they'd be the most hilarious and entertaining animals on the planet.  Instead of going to Denali national park in Alaska to see grizzlies or sail the Pacific to see whales, you could stay home and watch "Wild Kingdom" on MSNBC.  You could watch an episode of rump-rubbing vegan apes throwing post-digested bananas and arugula because some white male had an Afro hairdo and was singing hip-hop music.  How dare whitey appropriate black culture!   Then, later in the show, the apes would start throwing post-digested bananas and arugula because some state's governor was trying to stop people with male genitalia from using a woman's bathroom.  You see, the rump-rubbing apes think it a sin for a white to appropriate hip-hop, but they find it virtuous for a male to appropriate the female gender.  Methinks Zika has been a hidden pandemic in America for decades.  Democrats, in their wisdom, should consider spreading Zika in America because microcephaly would reduce the costs of abortions and women's health would be improved by having small-headed preborns.

How much is that darky in the window, the one with the waggly tales of perfidy that move this way and that way in the political winds?  Well, he's going to be worth close to $20 trillion when he leaves office.  In 2008, he called George W. Bush unpatriotic for adding $4 trillion to the national debt.  Look at a chart that shows a steep increase in the rate of the national debt since Obama took office:

Barack Obama will have increased the national debt by $10 trillion.  If Bush was unpatriotic, then Obama is Julius Rosenberg.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Childish Oaf is Messing With Oaths

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

When Barack Obama swore an oath to execute the office of President of the United States, he must have thought that meant to kill it.  When he stated that he would, to the best of his ability, defend the Constitution, either his abilities are completely lacking - I can buy that -  or he thought to preserve and protect the Constitution meant to take care of the parchment it was written on.  So far, if we can trust the media, he hasn't taken a black crayon to Article I (legislative powers) or the 2nd Amendment.

What infantile Obama hasn't done with crayon, he's done with malfeasance.  Malfeasance is "the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful or contrary to law".  Change the definition to the plural "acts" and it is the perfect description of Obama's presidency.  Jurisprudence under Barack Obama is not a "philosophy of law", it is the absence of law.

One of the newest revelations of Obama's malfeasance is his administration's change to the Oath of Allegiance for naturalized American citizens.  In July 2015, the oath was changed to remove the pledge that new citizens will defend the country they supposedly want to become a part of.  Obama and John Kerry would say that the pledge to defend one's country is "so last century".  Now, if there was a pledge to risk one's life in defense of the European Union, global elites and Islam, Obama would be all in.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Warren Commission ...Of Unethical Acts

"Entangled Limericks"

True native she is 'cause of "high cheeks".
They lift up her mouth such that it leaks.
If Cherokee she were,
She'd be "Running Mad Cur"
'Cause she foams at the mouth whenever she speaks.

There once was a woman from Mass.
Who spoke from both sides of her ass.
Her mouth went to foamin'
When words were ah formin'
So, for her mouth, her ass had to pass.

The reason she is so damned ugly
Is, on her neck, her ass fits quite snugly.
With "cheeks" bottom to top
She's Cherokee non-stop
Which got her a professorship she touts smugly.

Her ass says, "You didn't build that!"
She offers no proof, not even one stat.
For libs, it don't matter
And what's even sadder
Their heads are on what they too sat.