Friday, March 20, 2015

Gore, What is He Good For?

Absolutely Nothing?

Putin disappears for 10 or 11 days and the conspiracy theories run wild.  Al Gore disappears for 11 months and the world yawns, maybe because the media knows he's just on a Caribbean island getting an oil and lube job with Bill C.  But, Big Butt is back.  He probably heard the EPA is making rumblings about regulating back yard grilling and he wants to get in on the action.

Gore has stated, "We are putting 90 million tons of carbon pollution in the earth's atmosphere every day as if the atmosphere were an open sewer."

For the moment, let's agree with Al Gore and Bill Nye, the Science Gay and anti-Semite, that carbon dioxide is a pollutant.  Are we treating the atmosphere as an open sewer by emitting carbon pollution?  No, we are not.  We are treating the atmosphere as one part of a closed sewage system.  The atmosphere would be one part of a three part closed system consisting of the atmosphere, the oceans, and the land (to include sea floors).  The carbon or sewage is being constantly recycled between the 3 parts, and we should really thank God - yes, thank Him every day - for this closed sewage system.  God created plate tectonics not to frighten us with earthquakes and erupting volcanoes, but to force land that has billions of tons of fossil remains in the form of carbon compounds into the earth's interior where it melts and releases that carbon to be re-utilized.  To make you, for example.

Without God's ingenious sewer system, we wouldn't be here.  Because almost all the world's carbon would be locked in the earth's crust, in the ocean's seafloors, in the white cliffs of Dover (limestones from long ago creatures) and other "endpoints".  There wouldn't be any carbon to make you or me or Obama's Ficus tree.  The world would be the progressives' perfect carbon sequestration system.

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