Friday, May 9, 2014

President Clinton Uses Vagina as Cigar Humidor

I wonder what the results would have been if the New York Times had used the title of this post as a front page headline during the impeachment of Bill Clinton.  Would the feminists and Left have demanded Clinton's removal from office?  Of course, the Times would have never published such a headline, not because it isn't true, but because the Times doesn't hurt Democrats.
I wonder why Hollywood and the Left are outraged by the abduction of approximately 300 girls in Nigeria by the Islamic group Boko Haram.  When Boko Haram slaugthered fifty teenage boys and burned some of the boys alive, there was no outrage.  I did not even hear about this at the time.  The Left's blood doesn't seem to boil when Coptic Christians are killed by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist barbarians, and Coptic Christian girls are forced to convert to Islam and marry old men.  Where was the outrage when Assad used chemical weapons on children?  The Left's only response was for the Ambassador for Humanity, Barack Obama, to immediately erase his red line.  Where is the Left's outrage over Putin partitioning an almost defenseless country?  The Ambassador for Humanity's answer to this injustice is to send Ukraine meals-ready-to-eat.
I would chalk up the Left's outrage to the abduction of the Nigerian girls and not to other brutal acts of barbarism as just the Left showing their insanity.  They are indeed insane.  They outlawed the miracle insecticide DDT based upon mythology, not science.  The World Health Organization reports that an estimated 627,000 people died from malaria in 2012, most of the deaths being African children.  ( 627,000 vs 300, Persia vs Sparta odds)  DDT would have saved these people.  The Left is turning corn into ethanol on a starving planet based upon their mythology, not science.  The idiots of the Left might as well try to control the evaporation of water molecules from the planet's oceans as try to control the climate.  If they want to control the climate, controlling the evaporation of water molecules is exactly what they have to do, because water vapor is by far the most significant greenhouse gas.  No, I think this outrage over the Nigerian girls by the Left isn't coming from their liminal "brain" because their liminal brain wouldn't be outraged.  These are just 300 girls, most likely Christian, abducted by Muslims to be converted to Islam.  A situation no different to the Coptic Christians in Egypt.  I believe the Left's outrage is coming from their subliminal "brain".  The subliminal is reminding the liminal that messing with a female's vagina is a damnable sin.
The Boko Haram have really stepped in some elephant dung.  But, there is a way out for them.  If they promise free healthcare and visits by Planned Parenthood to all the girls, they won't suffer the wrath from the Ambassador for Humanity, and Michelle can remove that fake dour expression from her face and start planning her next multi-million dollar vacation.

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