Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Living Upside Down


Rarely does Andrea Tantaros and Dana Perino say something on The Five that I find objectionable.  But yesterday, they said something that I not only find objectionable, but worthy of my rebuke.  Ergo, this post.
Andrea and Dana basically said that Warren Buffet giving over one billion dollars to Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups was no big deal.  They said it's legal and Buffet has the right to donate his "hard earned" money as he sees fit.
Hitler rounding up Jews and exterminating them was legal since he was the supreme lawmaker.  He killed over one million Jewish children.  Buffet has facilitated the killing of over two million children.  Two million children don't exist because Buffet paid to have them aborted.
The Warren Buffet story will be in the news for one day and then vanish.  There's just not enough time to talk about it with all the more important stories.  Who will Sperling insult today?  What's with Jay Z and his sister-in-law?  Was Alec Baldwin wearing a helmet when he was arrested in New York City for bicycling in the wrong direction?  (If he was not, I want to give him a big wet kiss.  And there's nothing wrong with that when you're living upside down.)

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