Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So Satan Made Obama

Satan said, "I need a man born of a Marxist black man from Kenya and a communist white woman from Hawaii, and raised in the Muslim country of Indonesia, mentored by a communist with an FBI file, having a suspicious birth certificate, a forged Selective Service registration, and a Connecticutt Social Security number."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who can go to church for twenty years and never hear a sermon."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who will vote present on a bill to protect a victim's rights to seal the details of a sexual assault case and then demand that his college transcripts be sealed."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who will defend abortion so vigorously that he will support legislation denying babies that survived a botched abortion medical attention, and can still con people with fake tears over the deaths of Elementary school children."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who can get Congress to allocate $700 billion on shovel-ready jobs, give half to his campaign supporters and throw the other half down a rathole, and then say that the shovel-ready jobs weren't as shovel-ready as he thought.  And get Americans to laugh."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who can sleep till nine, shoot hoops at ten, play golf at noon, look for this so-called Oval Office at four, schmooze Hollywood stars for millions at five, and shoot bin Laden in the head that night.  And do the same thing tomorrow."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who can choose a Secretary of State so inept that she gets an ambassador and three other Americans killed in Benghazi.  And the only person who goes to jail is the author of a Youtube video."
So Satan made Obama.
Satan said, "I need a man who can lie better, deceive better, and recruit more enlistments into Hell than I can."
So Satan made Obama.

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