The protagonist of "Global Warming", a fine theatrical farce
Is sonorous Al Gore or some other comic tree-hugging arse.
They play the lead role with sorrow, speaking words of utter gloom
Because the plot portends imminent, undeniable global doom.
William Shakespeare, Bard of Avon, did say all the world's a stage
And "Global Warming" has become a ubiquitous firestorm rage.
Progressive politicians are the worst actors in this play.
They ad-lib economic destruction and think, dumbly, it's OK.
The plot includes a carboniferous fire-breathing dragon
That the adolescent Barack wants to slay, then parade in his wagon.
"Look what I've bravely done for the polar beers!" he yells,
Too immature to realize video text on his teleprompter fails.
He thinks a grand beer summit will happen on his lawn
Where he can call police stupid and the Media will fawn.
NBC, ABC, and CBS videotaping the summit on the grass
Will vie in desperation to be first to kiss his ass.
Then there's Nancy Pelosi as the vile, hideous Ogre of the West.
Compared to other politicians, her acting is some of the best.
She monologues that a 4-star general stepped outside the "line of command". [sic]
She calls CIA spooks liars. Encore! The play spreads throughout the land.
In one scene, Charles instructs the class while the Designer wears a cap.
So many desks are empty because pro-life is just Christian pap.
Alas, poor Yorick is never known at all, infinitely less than well.
Get your tickets for the sequel. We'll all watch it down in Hell.