Or How Scientists Learned to Deny God
Shunning the obvious, many scientists refuse to accept the conclusion of an intelligent Creator of the universe and its lifeforms. Instead, they propose preposterous explanations for both the existence of the universe and its lifeforms.
Preposterous explanation number 1. Darwinism - Speciation through evolution was once a sensible theory but that time has long passed. When Charles Darwin proposed his theory the cell was thought to be a simple container of "living substance". Discoveries in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology have shown the cell to have factories, waste disposal systems, information storage and retrieval systems, and methods of propulsion that are far more advanced than anything Man has yet devised. The bacterial flagellum is an inboard motor capable of self-repair and tens of thousands of rotations per minute.
In the approximately 150 years of the theory's existence there has not been one proven example of speciation occurring through evolutionary means. As science the theory has no value, but it is Progressivism's favorite cudgel against religion.
Preposterous explanation number 2. Multiverses - When scientists began to see that the physical laws, atomic and quantum particles, and the energies of the universe were extremely fine tuned to foster life, it wasn't a cause of celebration: This pointed to an Intelligent Designer. What to do? When you have one universe so finely tuned, you explain it away by proposing an infinite number of universes, i.e. a multiverse. With an infinite number of universes there will be some that look designed due to random chance. This theory is unproveable because a scientist has an infinitely better chance of observing God than another universe.
Preposterous explanation number 3. The universe began in a Big Bang comprised of nothing. I mean nothing as in not a damn thing...no matter, no energy, zippo! Stephen Hawking is a proponent of this theory.
Preposterous explanation number 4. Manmade global warming - Along with Darwinism a favorite of progressives. You're a heretic and a sinner against the Goddess, Mother Nature, if you do not believe.
Darwinism means you're just an outcome of chaotic, random, mindless processes. A multiverse means you're even more insignificant than Darwin would have you. And Stephen Hawking would have you believe that you are really nothing.
Have a nice day!
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