Saturday, April 4, 2015

WWJD This Easter?

Would Jesus send condolences to a country that had almost 150 Christians brutally killed and not mention their religion?

Would Jesus stop flights to a country being attacked by rocket fire in order to hurt that country's economy, and not stop flights to the Ukraine and Russia where Putin's mongrels intentionally targeted and destroyed a Malaysian passenger jet?

Would Jesus disparage people by calling them clingers to religion?

Would Jesus write a poem about his youth where he was with a man drinking hard liquor and both were in their underwear, having identical stains?

Would Jesus govern a country where Christianity is being marginalized in its military?

Would Jesus negotiate a treaty, from weakness, with a brutal regime that imprisons people for proselytizing Christianity, kills people for homosexuality, guns down young people in the streets during non-violent protests, finances terrorism, calls for the deaths of Israel and America - AND - even if the treaty is finalized and works, it's likely only to work until Jesus "gets outta town"?

Would Jesus say baldfaced lies such as the leader of Iran has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons and the inspections of Iran's nuclear sites will be "unprecedented" in order to get a deal?

Would Jesus play golf within minutes of talking about the deaths of Americans or go to bed early while Americans are under attack in Libya so that he can fly to Las Vegas in the morning for campaign fund raising?

Would Jesus yammer on and on about the wonderful Islamic holidays?

Would Jesus stand at a podium and talk about the deaths of school children and tug at his eyelids trying desperately to make a tear and then shed tears quite easily when his attorney general resigns?

Now that we know Barack Obama isn't Jesus.  Who the HELL is he?


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