Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Heard It Through the Grape Vine

Even if you're only a casual observer of The Five on FNC, you've probably heard Eric Bolling rave about the TV show The Walking Dead.  I haven't watched the show because I'm just not interested in a show about Democrats.

One of the perks Obama and Kerry gave Iran is that wives of Iranian diplomats in Washington DC will be driven by Secret Service agents to elementary school.

 Al Gore, the most influential person in the world on manmade climate change, made a D in the Harvard course Natural Sciences 6.   Natural Sciences 6 was titled "Man's Place in Nature".  And you thought God didn't have a sense of humor.

In the new Avengers movie out this May, Captain America goes into Iran to free American marine Amir Mirza Hekmati because "the Cap" knows Obama and his administration are just a bunch of bullshit liars about never leaving American soldiers behind.

Obama, being a man of his word, has been so flexible - and accommodating - that Putin has broken off his affair with a Russian gymnast.  One of the accommodations was that Obama agreed to bow away from Putin.

Scooter Libby, instead of relying on the compassion and wisdom of George W. Bush, which was trust definitely misplaced, should have just crammed classified papers down his pants to stay out of prison.

Either Valerie Plame or Marie Harf should dye their hair.  There's a case to be made that their hair color is cruel and unusual punishment to blonds.

If Debbie Wasserman Shultz becomes a bleach blond, blonds will start dropping like flies.

Barack Obama wants an end to conversion therapy for young gays, lesbians and transgenders.  But, I'm sure he thinks the therapy could be useful for the adopted children of gay couples.

Barack Obama said he's dismayed by the lack of love he sees from Christians.  Well, he's right about that.  Christians don't love cutting off heads.  They don't love killing homosexuals.  They don't love pedophilia.  They don't love enslaving women.  They don't love imprisoning people for different beliefs.  They don't love calling Jews monkeys.  They don't love cheering when 3,000 innocent people die.  And they don't love the idea of returning to the 7th century.

Love is a many-splendored thing and Barack is enthralled with the splendors of Islam.


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