Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A New National Symbol and Motto For a Fundamentally Transformed America


Sic Exosculamur Asinus
"We Kiss Ass"

HEADLINE:  US Denies Treaty- Bound Duty to Protect Marshall Islands From Iran

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Peeks Into the Future

A peek into the future at the 2016 White House Correspondents Dinner sees Obama joking it up:

Some people think my right-hand man, Joe Biden, is uncouth, but he has been a great VP.  I sent him to China to get an agreement on climate change and he came back with the Chinese having promised to stop cooking with dung. But, he's not satisfied with that, he wants them to also promise to stop cooking with Chang, Chen, and Lijuan.

Joe never stops working hard to employ minorities.  Just the other day he went to see our Nationals play the Atlanta Braves and he told Atlanta's manager, Fredi Gonzalez, that the team should rehire Chief  Noc-A-Homa.  Fredi told Joe that Chief Noc-A-Homa wasn't really a chief and Noc-A-Homa wasn't really his name.  Joe said,  "Forget it.  I'll ask the Nationals to hire him because he sounds like someone who should be working in Washington."

Speaking of Indians, Elizabeth Warren asked me to endorse her as the Democratic nominee for president.  I told her I would sleep on it.  She thought about it a couple of seconds and replied, "Never mind.  I remember what happened to the last people you slept on."

Last year about this time, the mayor of Baltimore was receiving a lot of grief from Middle America for saying she would give rioters the "space to destroy".  What a bunch of hypocrites!  Don't they remember giving me the space of four years to destroy?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Russian Roulette

Fridays on Special Report hosted by Bret Baier, FNC political analysts bet their chips on either the roulette of possible presidential candidates for the Republican party or Democrat party.  So far, betting on the Democrat party roulette has been meager.  Only Hillary Clinton has announced and no one knows if she'll be contested by other Democrats.  But, here's my Russian roulette prognostication:

Hillary has announced and chosen a campaign logo.

When asked, most people say the logo is a sign giving direction to a hospital.  But, Elizabeth Warren knows exactly what it is:  Hillary is mocking her claim to Cherokee ancestry and telling the far left that she, Hillary,  is to the left of her.

Elizabeth Warren enters the race with her logo and a motto.

Elizabeth Puts Hillary In A Quiver! 

Hillary is infuriated by Elizabeth's mocking and the first time the two cross paths in Iowa they become locked in a physical tussle.

Hillary bites Liz in the ass.

Liz flattens Hill's nose with a solid punch.

Bill steps into the melee trying to stop the fight and receives a head injury.

The fight is stopped and everything settles down for the most part in the Democrat presidential campaign until Michelle Obama enters the race and mocks both Hill and Liz.

Michelle!  She'll Send Hillary Flying, Which Is All Hillary Did As Secretary of State, And Kick Warren's Butt.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Numerology 2016

What if Marco Rubio wins the presidential election in 2016?
Will Camelot and American exceptionalism return?

Kennedy birth date:  May 29
Rubio birth date:  May 28

Kennedy: born 1917
Rubio:  born 1971
(same numbers)

Kennedy:  1 term as US Senator
Rubio:  1 term as US Senator

Kennedy:  43 when elected (youngest elected president)
Rubio:  45 when elected  (second youngest elected)
Teddy Roosevelt was 42 when sworn in after McKinley assassination.

Kennedy:  35th president
Rubio:  45th president

Kennedy: 4 children
Rubio: 4 children

Kennedy: wife Jacqueline
Rubio:  wife Jeanette

Kennedy:  Roman Catholic
Rubio:  Roman Catholic

Kennedy:  moderately conservative Democrat
Rubio:  moderately conservative Republican 

Kennedy:  eloquent, photogenic speaker
Rubio: eloquent, photogenic speaker

Kennedy:  defeated Nixon
Rubio:  defeated a vixen (definition: an ill-tempered or quarrelsome woman)

Rubio:  married a former bank teller and Miami Dolphins cheerleader
Kennedy:  richer than Bank America and had affair with whole cheerleader squad

Democrats Turn to Cannibalism

The mayor [Bill de Blasio] also suggested that Clinton indeed is a candidate of yesterday. She’s “a candidate who has not been in the public eye in this sense for almost eight years, and we’re still beginning to hear what she stands for,” he said. “It’s normal to want to hear more.”

A Clinton source scoffed: “He’s known her for, like, 20 years! He doesn’t know what her philosophy of government is?”

Bill de Blasio refused to endorse Hillary Clinton during a recent interview and the Clinton camp is furious.

Adding to the bloodshed coming from the Left, Hillary Clinton mocked Harry Reid saying, "I haven't believed a story concerning men and rubber since Bill told me he got me pregnant because of a bad condom."

Monday, April 13, 2015

When Hillary is 45

You're going to tire of responding to friends' and neighbors' remarks and questions such as:

My God, man!  You used to be such a neat freak.  Now, you look like Willie Nelsen.

You know the EPA hasn't completely banned showering?

It would be healthier for both of you if you did throw the baby out with the bath water.

We missed you in the bomb shelter last night.

Stop repeatedly responding to such remarks and buy the one T that "says it all" with finality.

Buy your "I Stopped Giving A Shit" T today and tell everyone that you're so tuned out that you won't even exert the energy to spell it out.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Heard It Through the Grape Vine

Even if you're only a casual observer of The Five on FNC, you've probably heard Eric Bolling rave about the TV show The Walking Dead.  I haven't watched the show because I'm just not interested in a show about Democrats.

One of the perks Obama and Kerry gave Iran is that wives of Iranian diplomats in Washington DC will be driven by Secret Service agents to elementary school.

 Al Gore, the most influential person in the world on manmade climate change, made a D in the Harvard course Natural Sciences 6.   Natural Sciences 6 was titled "Man's Place in Nature".  And you thought God didn't have a sense of humor.

In the new Avengers movie out this May, Captain America goes into Iran to free American marine Amir Mirza Hekmati because "the Cap" knows Obama and his administration are just a bunch of bullshit liars about never leaving American soldiers behind.

Obama, being a man of his word, has been so flexible - and accommodating - that Putin has broken off his affair with a Russian gymnast.  One of the accommodations was that Obama agreed to bow away from Putin.

Scooter Libby, instead of relying on the compassion and wisdom of George W. Bush, which was trust definitely misplaced, should have just crammed classified papers down his pants to stay out of prison.

Either Valerie Plame or Marie Harf should dye their hair.  There's a case to be made that their hair color is cruel and unusual punishment to blonds.

If Debbie Wasserman Shultz becomes a bleach blond, blonds will start dropping like flies.

Barack Obama wants an end to conversion therapy for young gays, lesbians and transgenders.  But, I'm sure he thinks the therapy could be useful for the adopted children of gay couples.

Barack Obama said he's dismayed by the lack of love he sees from Christians.  Well, he's right about that.  Christians don't love cutting off heads.  They don't love killing homosexuals.  They don't love pedophilia.  They don't love enslaving women.  They don't love imprisoning people for different beliefs.  They don't love calling Jews monkeys.  They don't love cheering when 3,000 innocent people die.  And they don't love the idea of returning to the 7th century.

Love is a many-splendored thing and Barack is enthralled with the splendors of Islam.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I Ran, You Ran, We All Ran For a Bar-Gan

For the next few months all you'll be hearing about is the great bargain Obama and Kerry achieved with Iran.  So, let us count the ways this nuclear deal is a "good deal".

1)  Iran will stop its ICBM program.  After all, ICBMs are worthless without nukes.

Well, not really.

2) The US can withhold enough of the billions being repatriated to Iran to pay each family of an American soldier killed by an advanced armor-piercing IED Iran provided to the Taliban and Iraqi militias $10 million.

Well, not really.

3)  Iran must acknowledge the right of Israel to exist.

Well, not really.

4)  Iran must free all Americans being held unjustly in Iranian prisons.

Well, not really.

5)  Iran must stop providing arms and rockets to Hezbollah and Hamas, two terror organizations.

Well, not really.

6)  Iran must stop uranium enrichment and send already enriched uranium to Russia for safekeeping.

Well, not really.

7)  Iran must allow on-the-spot inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Well, not really.

8)   Iran must stop its proxy wars in the Middle East being used to advance its hegemony.

Well, not really.

9)  The Supreme Leader of Iran must put that fatwa against nuclear weapons, that Obama insists he issued, down on paper so someone besides Obama can see it.

Well, not really.

10)  Iran must agree to never kill its unarmed citizens again during peaceful protests.

Well, not really.

11)  Iran must change its name that was derived from the Sanskrit word arya.  Another word derived from arya is Aryan, as in the master race Hitler espoused.  So, Iran's leadership might stop behaving like Nazis if they change their name.

Well, not really.

12)  Iran must agree to look like its behaving itself until, at least, John Kerry gets a Nobel peace prize and Obama leaves office with another notch in the Resolute desk.


Monday, April 6, 2015

Ayatollah Obama issues Fatwa Against GITMO and Federal Prisons

In one scene from the movie Braveheart, William Wallace is dreaming about his dead wife.  She says to him, "Wake up, William.  You must wake up."  To which William replies,  "I don't want to.  I want to stay here with you.", which is exactly what I say to George and Thomas when I'm dreaming about America's founding.

Things could have been much different for Wallace's wife had there been a trustworthy media.  But, Blarney Stone magazine decided not to cover the attempted rape of Wallace's wife because they were too busy defending themselves after they published a ludicrous rape story.  And the town crier, William Bryan, could have rallied public support for Wallace's wife if he hadn't been suffering from PTSD following a catapult attack on the wagon he was riding in.  The moral is: Without an honest and trustworthy media doing its job, things that shouldn't fall in the crapper do.

The media is raving about Obama's and Kerry's Carrot and Shtick diplomacy.  Iran will be laughing all the way to a nuke.

What do you call The Five without Bob Beckel?  The answer is:  The Juan Williams Show.  I never thought I'd put these words to virtual paper:  I miss Bob Beckel!  A relatively quiet, brooding Beckel beats a conversation hog like Williams any day of the week.  Did you know there is only one topic Juan Williams won't touch?  That is whether piping loud rock music into a terrorist's cell is torture.  The reason is Juan Williams thinks the exact opposite of that, silence, is torture.

Obama will issue a fatwa (executive order) to close GITMO and all federal prisons before he leaves office.  All Guantanamo terrorists and federal inmates from the 58 or 59 states will be released and pardoned.  Obama said he visited 57 states, said he had 1 more to go, then said his campaign advisors wouldn't let him visit Alaska and Hawaii, so I don't know how many states there are.  That's a mathematical nut I can't crack.

All these former prisoners will be given a home in Martha's Vineyard, a Maserati, and a credit card issued by the Federal Reserve.  They can buy anything they want and pay for it with funny money.

You may think I'm joking, but why?  This is what progressives do.  People crossing our borders without an invite are just undocumented citizens and it should be mandatory that they vote.  Mumia Abu-Jamal isn't a cop killer.  He's a rock star.  Michael Brown had his hands up.  You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so reward Iran's ISIS-ish behavior with goodies to get them to the bargaining table.

My approach would be to spray the flies with sulfuric acid and don't worry about catching them.

Europeans paid the Barbary pirates (Muslims have been acting badly for a long, long time) a tribute so the pirates wouldn't attack the Europeans' ships and ransom their sailors.   Progressive blonds should really consider paying a tribute to Marie Harf of the State Department because she's been holding their intelligence up for ransom.  Of course, this could start a bidding war between progressive blonds, progressive brunettes and progressive redheads, each trying to get Marie not to choose their hair color.  A conservative woman, taking a cue from Thomas Jefferson who just kicked the Barbary pirates's asses, would just shave Marie.

The State Department believes ISIS terrorists just need a jobs program to quell their violent tendencies.  OK, but please don't give them the same jobs program Obama gave America.  There will be so few shovel-ready jobs that the ISIS fighters will go back to chopping off heads with a vengeance.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

ADL Not Exactly JLA

The Anti-Defamation League is not exactly the Justice League of America, even when excluding the fact that the JLA has superheros and fights evil and the ADL fights a specific evil, anti-Semitism.  Superman, Green Lantern, Flash et al are all about fighting evil wherever it exists.  The Anti-Defamation League seems to be more selective about where it fights anti-Semitism.  There's plenty of anti-Semitism in the Obama administration that the ADL seems to overlook.

Voices in the Obama administration call Israel an occupier, but these same voices are either mute or can't be heard above the cosmic background noise when it comes to Putin and Russia.  It takes instruments cooled with liquid helium down to minus 269 degrees Centigrade to detect the cosmic background noise, which is almost as cold as Barack Obama's heart.  Someone in the Ob-Ad called Bibi Netanyahu a chickenshit.  Now, White-Ho officials should know all about chicken shit since they have to clean it off their noses often after intimate contact with Ba-Ob's butt, but calling Bibi a coward is taking baldfaced lies into new territory.

Looking at the Op-Ed archive on the ADL's website shows titles such as Obama's Israel Itinerary: All the Right Places and Obama Strikes the Right Balance in Israel, but there are no Op-Ed titles that would suggest an editorial discussed the FAA halting American air-carrier flights into and out of Israel during Hamas' rocket attacks in 2014.   After a single Hamas rocket impacted about a mile from Ben-Gurion International Airport, the FAA and Europe instructed airlines to cancel their flights to Israel.  Contrast this to the American reaction to a Malaysian passenger jet being intentionally targeted and shot down by Russian-backed rebels in Ukraine.  298 people were killed, including 80 children, and the FAA did not instruct air-carriers to stop flights to Ukraine or Russia.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

WWJD This Easter?

Would Jesus send condolences to a country that had almost 150 Christians brutally killed and not mention their religion?

Would Jesus stop flights to a country being attacked by rocket fire in order to hurt that country's economy, and not stop flights to the Ukraine and Russia where Putin's mongrels intentionally targeted and destroyed a Malaysian passenger jet?

Would Jesus disparage people by calling them clingers to religion?

Would Jesus write a poem about his youth where he was with a man drinking hard liquor and both were in their underwear, having identical stains?

Would Jesus govern a country where Christianity is being marginalized in its military?

Would Jesus negotiate a treaty, from weakness, with a brutal regime that imprisons people for proselytizing Christianity, kills people for homosexuality, guns down young people in the streets during non-violent protests, finances terrorism, calls for the deaths of Israel and America - AND - even if the treaty is finalized and works, it's likely only to work until Jesus "gets outta town"?

Would Jesus say baldfaced lies such as the leader of Iran has issued a fatwa against nuclear weapons and the inspections of Iran's nuclear sites will be "unprecedented" in order to get a deal?

Would Jesus play golf within minutes of talking about the deaths of Americans or go to bed early while Americans are under attack in Libya so that he can fly to Las Vegas in the morning for campaign fund raising?

Would Jesus yammer on and on about the wonderful Islamic holidays?

Would Jesus stand at a podium and talk about the deaths of school children and tug at his eyelids trying desperately to make a tear and then shed tears quite easily when his attorney general resigns?

Now that we know Barack Obama isn't Jesus.  Who the HELL is he?


Friday, April 3, 2015

It's a Wonderful Day in the Arab Neighborhood


I thought Obama and Kerry were all about existing in a new century that had divorced itself from the bad behaviors of the past.  So, why have they been using Mr. Rogers' diplomacy, which was used in the 1930's and resulted in the deaths of 6 million enslaved Jews and millions of armed soldiers by the end of the mid 1940's?  Could it be they think freedom loving Jews are a bigger danger to peace than bomb-wielding Muslims?

Susan Rice, Rhodes squeal, said America's approach to Iran will be "Distrust and verify" in a speech to the AIPAC organization (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).  Obama said, after the negotiated framework of a nuclear deal with Iran, that the inspections of  Iran's nuclear facilities will be unprecedented.  Under this deal, we should therefore believe that stopping Iran from acquiring a nuke will be a "slam dunk".  The problem with believing this is it won't be a hulking Wilt Chamberlain protecting the nuclear basket, but a bony-assed Neville Chamberlain.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain probably believed that Hitler's rhetoric was only for domestic consumption and that giving Hitler a few bread crumbs (part of Czechoslovakia) would result in "peace in our [their] time".  The Obama administration wants us to believe that the leader of Iran calling for "death to America" is also just for domestic consumption.  The Mr. Rogers' diplomacy of Neville Chamberlain was too ambitious.  He wanted peace for a generation.  Obama learned that lesson.  He's only looking for peace in his time.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Beauty Advice to Harry and Friends From Cindy Crawford

Dear Harry,

What on earth has prettier eyes than a sewer rat?  The answer is nothing.  A sewer rat's eyes sparkle like flawless black pearls.  The secret to the sewer rat's beautiful eyes and the answer to meaningful beauty and eye health is not cucumbers, botox injections or expensive doctors' visits, but putting shit in your eyes.

You and your friends are so lucky!  Nature gave you a plentiful and fresh supply of this beauty secret just a nose-length away.  So, I plead with you, with as much sincerity as Prince Charles pleaded with his countrymen to turn off their lights for Earth Hour, to use what nature gave you to save your eyes.

Your admirer,
Cindy Crawford

PS:  I may or may not be Cindy Crawford because as your defenders say, "Everyone lies."  I could really be Cindy Crawford giving you the only medical advice that will save your damaged eye, or I could be an impostor who hopes your fucking eyeball falls out of its socket and winds up in Obama's golf bag.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Selma Witch Trial, Act II "I Object to This Country"


A New York Times reporter in the courtroom has jotted down notes in shorthand following the opening arguments of both the Prosecution and the Defense:

pros must have no hard evid.  it must be basin its case on circum evid.  must think elim stupid amercans as reson for 2 terms will meen witchcraft is reson.  Def is goin all out to prove amercans just stupid.  will admit to all obvius lies and disemblin of potus to prove amercans just plane stupid an potus is no witch.

Judge:  "Is the prosecution ready to call its first witness?"

Prosecution:  "We are, your honor.  The State calls the senator from the state of Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren."

Elizabeth Warren takes the stand and says, "I do."  Her husband, seated in the courtroom, has his mind wander back to the worst day of his life when he married the squaw.

Prosecution:  "Permission to treat as a hostile witness, your honor?"  (Before the judge can respond, the Defense blasts off from his chair.)

Defense:  "I object, your honor!  I object to the term hostile being used for this witness.  And I strenuously object to the prosecution emphasizing the second syllable of hostile.  He's being anti-native American!"

Judge:  "For the remainder of this trial, we will use belligerent in place of hostile."

Prosecution:  "I object to that, your honor.  The first syllable of belligerent is bell and may conjure up the image of a Southern belle in the minds of the jurors when I'm calling female Democrats.  And that is the last image imaginable they should have in their heads."

Elizabeth Warren:  "I object!"

Judge:  "Just call your witnesses exceptional and I'll know what you mean, Mr. Prosecutor."

Prosecution:  "All right, your honor.  Now, Senator Warren.  Outside of his political career, what job did the defendant, Barack Obama, perform that most Americans singularly know him for?"

Warren:  "I would suppose a community organizer."

Prosecution:  "That is exactly right.  And back to the subject of syllables, what are the first two syllables of the word community?

Warren:  "Com-mune."

Prosecution:  "Commune as in communism!  What are the first two syllables in the word organizer?"

Warren:  "Organ."

Prosecution:  "Organ, as in what part of a frog or chicken do witches put in their spells: Frog organs and chicken organs!"

Defense:  "Your honor, is the Prosecution trying to prove my case for me with this line of questioning?"

Judge:  "Where are you headed with this line of questioning, Mr Prosecutor?"

Prosecution:  "Your honor, members of the jury, why would the American voters elect a man whose main claim to fame outside of a mediocre political career was being a community organizer.  Most Americans wouldn't even know what a community organizer does, and it sounds to me as some sort of made-up job.  I believe Barack Hussein Obama was a community organizer because it is part of a Divine Code.  DaVinci had his code and we are witnessing God's code if we will only open our eyes and decipher it.  Later, during my questioning of another "exceptional" Democrat, I'm going to show you a picture having the accused standing at a podium addressing the American people and he appears to have two sets of horns on his head.  Maybe, just maybe, Barack Obama isn't just a witch.  Maybe, he's the son of Satan."


Judge:  "ORDER!  ORDER IN THE COURT.  Bailiff, sequester the jurors.  Mr. Prosecutor, Mr. Defender, to my chamber.  NOW!"