Friday, November 20, 2015
Obama is What Lies Beyond the Bottom of the Barrel
Obama's presidency is like a bad movie. It's like a Quinton Tarantino movie where this black, evil son-of-a-bitch goes around killing "the some good that's left in this world that's worth fighting for". An apt title would be The Desolation of Smug.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Earth to Paris
Dear Citizens of Paris,
We, the people of Earth, will not argue the point that some man-caused disaster befell your beautiful city on Friday the 13th, close to the witching hour. The cries of fear and death, the moribund bodies strewn about, and all the restaurant meals glazed in crimson make any debate on that subject moot. But, while we will not argue that a man-caused disaster occurred, we vehemently object to French President Hollande blaming ISIS for this overly enthusiastic protest.
On the morning of Friday the 13th, President Obama on ABC's Good Morning America told George Stephanopoulos, "... we have contained them [ISIS]." Obviously, if the president of America has contained ISIS, then ISIS cannot be responsible for the late-night partying that got out of hand because firearms are not adequately controlled in France. The debate is over. It wasn't ISIS. It may have been a video, and the White House has recalled Hillary Clinton to investigate the possibility. But, at this point, what difference does it make? Was it because of a protest or was it because a bunch of guys out for a walk Friday night decided to go kill some Frenchies?
Don't press the issue that it was ISIS. To do so will cause president Obama to perform all sorts of rhetorical gymnastics for days on end defending his claim, and frankly those are feats of flaccid serpentine movements that have gotten old and disgusting to watch. We've seen Obama twist himself into a Gordian knot for seven years, now. The debate is over. He can cover his ass with his flaccid, serpentine spine.
We, the people of Earth, grieve with you in your loss. But, we must grieve quickly and move on. In December, the world governments are coming to Paris to convene a conference on climate change. As you know, anthropogenic climate change is the greatest threat facing Mankind - far, far, far greater than a few immature Muslims practicing their faith on a Friday night. Muslims, who by the way, don't realize that this is the 21st century and this type of behavior is not supposed to exist anymore.
Sincerely Yours,
Monday, November 2, 2015
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Take the Left's "Logic" To Its Natural Conclusions
Bill Nye, the science guy, has a video titled "Can We Stop telling Women What to Do With Their Bodies?".
Whoopie Goldberg has blasted critics of Planned Parenthood, telling them to "Get out of my vagina!"
This is how the Left defends abortion: You can't tell a woman what to do with her own body. But, try to think of a law that doesn't pertain to controlling people's behavior, which is the same as telling them what they can do and can't do with both their minds and their bodies.
As much as I'd like to, I can't scream "FIRE!" in a crowded theater to see how many Muslims would be trampled in the stampede. If I did it enough times, I might break the Mecca record, and I'm still waiting for my fifteen minutes of fame or infamy that I'm entitled to. What gives government the right to control my tongue? "Get out of my mouth!"
For some reason there is a law against pedophilia. If an adult man has, in his mind, a healthy and natural desire for sexual relations with a child, what right does society have to regulate the man's desire, especially if the child is receptive to the pedophile? And, at what point, does it matter if the child is receptive or not? A preborn is never receptive to an abortionist's forceps, but that never matters. Child rape is such an inflammatory term. Let's be more politically correct and start calling it rug rat wrestling, and let's stop telling a man what he can and cannot do with his own penis for God's sake!
Of course, if society is going to make it lawful for a woman to kill a person currently living in her womb because society can't tell women what to do with their bodies, then it crosses the line from sanity to insanity for a society to outlaw suicide. But then, that line wasn't just crossed, it was stampeded.
Friday, October 2, 2015
It's Deja Vu All Over Again
Jesus H Christ! There, once again, was Barack Obama preempting my TV shows. Once again, he was back in Chicago giving a speech after a particularly violent, bloody weekend in the windy city. Again, he was telling thousands of onlookers that some of the strictest gun laws in the country had failed to protect them, that they had much more to fear from black on black violence than from the police, that they lived in constant fear of gang violence because of lax enforcement of immigration laws and a Democratic party that had failed to protect them.
This speech was more entertaining than usual. The "hot mike" incident was a hoot! Prior to beginning his speech, Obama was overheard telling an aide that this quickly planned trip to Chicago almost made him forget to insult Netanyahu by taking Kerry and Samantha Powers away from Bibi's UN speech for an "important teleconference". Obama also threw his own religion under the bus when he told his fellow Chicagoans that, while things are bad in Chicago, at least they didn't live in Mecca where a thousand people can be trampled to death during the Hajj pilgrimage. What about those jokes from Obama?
Why do Muslims take their shoes off before entering a mosque?
Answer: They're less inclined to stampede.
Why do Muslims touch their foreheads to a carpet when they pray?
Answer: It cushions their heads when they're stepped on.
What's the difference between the running of the bulls and the Hajj pilgrimage?
Answer: Bulls don't shout, "There is no god but Allah!"
Thursday, October 1, 2015
The 80s Called, Obama
They wanted to know if you wanted to trade up to Jimmy Carter's backbone. They'll throw in Jimmy's lips that he kissed Brezhnev with since you've worn your's out kissing mullah and Putin ass.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
A New Beginning
And Nahsa said, "Let the dry ground under the sky be gathered to one place, and let water appear." And it was so. Nahsa called the dry ground "Martian soil", and the gathered waters he called "perchlorates". And Nahsa saw that it was good.
Then Nahsa said, "Let there be life!"
Instead of wasting its budget looking for life in salty water on Mars, a fool's errand, NASA could look for life in human amniotic fluid, and prove its existence to progressives. This might also be a fool's errand but at least it wouldn't require traveling 40 million miles and hundreds of millions of dollars to attempt.
Look at the picture of an almost 18-week-old fetus:
Beginning around 10 weeks of development, this baby could yawn and suck its thumb. Any rational person would believe this is a human being that has as much right to live as any human being, maybe more so.
This baby has a very small, negligible carbon footprint. It isn't contributing to coastal flooding, California wildfires, or Miley Cyrus's refusal to wear clothes. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and all the progressive fanatics of Hollywood have carbon footprints hundreds to thousands of times larger than what would be considered average. If as Obama believes: Manmade climate change is currently the greatest threat to Mankind, then he and the other climate-change fanatics should consider "offing" themselves, because they are grave threats to Man's continued existence based upon their own belief system.
I would be happy to help them in this endeavor because I happen to believe progressivism in Mankind's greatest threat. It is unquestionably a free and prosperous America's greatest threat.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
The Lady Gagas Congress
The term RINO, Republican in name only, is obsolete since the Republican party consists mostly of Washington politicians that work to maintain the power of the State and their positions in it. The idea that the Republican party stands for traditional American values and morals and vigorously defends the Constitution is simply false. "Rino" was never an appropriate moniker anyway. Those two syllables connote superhuman power and a millisecond reaction to charge a threat because the picture of a rhino comes to mind. Republican politicians are more like meerkats that display an erect backbone only so long as no hawks are seen. First sign of a hawk or threat has them scurrying back to their burrows.
The meerkat Bob Corker is a good example of today's Republican politician. It was a bill he authored that ensured and insured that the Iran nuclear deal would get past Congress's scrutiny. Corker's bill ensured - guaranteed - Obama's agreement with Iran would stand. Corker's bill insured - guaranteed against loss or harm - Obama's agreement would not even be amended. Corker's bill might even stop the Senate from voting on the Iran deal and putting egg on Obama's face if a few more Democrats come out and support the deal.
This Republican Congress will not stop the worst international deal since the Munich agreement in which England's Neville Chamberlain surrendered to Hitler's demands. This Congress can't even muster a vote to defund Planned Parenthood!
Instead of RINO, most Republican politicians should have the moniker "Lady Gaga". They Go Along to Get Along with the emperor, Barack I. There's four syllables that appropriately connote vulgarity and indignity.
Friday, September 4, 2015
The Reign of Barack I
The reign of Barack I will go down in history as the first time that a ruler was also the court jester. As the ruler, Barack I could spend a trillion dollars and not invigorate an economy one smidgen. As the clownish court jester, Barack I could make the flippant comment, "It seems that shovel-ready jobs were not as shovel-ready as we thought", and at least get Jeffrey Immelt to laugh.
If you listen closely, you can hear Barack I say, "It looks like my red lines were not as red-y as I thought."
Ho-ho, that's a killer!
Monday, August 31, 2015
Serendipity or Predestination
Looking at Mount Rushmore, you'll notice that Washington, Roosevelt and Lincoln look straight ahead but Jefferson is looking up. Jefferson was sculpted looking up because the granite had a fissure that would have probably caused Jefferson's nose to fall off had he been looking straight ahead.
What was an unfortunate flaw in the granite has become serendipity, because when Jefferson is carved out of Mount Rushmore for being a slaveholder another president can be carved in his place who always had his nose in the air - his natural pose - until his handlers advised him to stop.
You may think it ridiculous to suggest that Jefferson would be carved out of Mt. Rushmore, but the DNC has already renamed the Jefferson-Jackson dinner because both presidents were slaveholders. You might also say that Washington was a slaveholder, so why not carve out the father of our country. Give progressives time. Not only was Jefferson a slaveholder but he created an abridged Christian bible for native-Americans. He must be doubly hated by progressives.
The erasure of Jefferson from Mt. Rushmore won't happen tomorrow, but what will happen very shortly is the renaming of Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain in America. It's going to be renamed Denali. Denali is an Athabascan word meaning "the high one". In Hebrew "bamah" means "a high place". And in English Barack Obama means "his highness".
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Friday, August 28, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Friday, August 21, 2015
Wasn't the Internment of Japanese-Americans a Form of Slavery?
“This was not a decision that was made lightly. The vote today confirms that our party believes it is important to change the name of the dinner to align with the values of our modern-day Democratic Party: inclusiveness, diversity and equality.”
So said Dr. McGuire of the Iowa Democratic Party while referring to the Jefferson-Jackson dinner. The dinner named after two presidents will have its name changed because both Jefferson and Jackson were slaveholders. Good for Democrats.
Here is a suggestion for renaming the dinner. For a name with similar alliteration and to uphold the Democratic Party's values of "inclusiveness, diversity and equality", rename the dinner the Sanger-Sharpton dinner. Rolls off the tongue doesn't it?
What could show the Democratic Party's unrestricted inclusiveness more than the embracing of Margaret Sanger, a white baby-killing satanic bitch who believed and worked for the extermination of peoples she considered inferior? And then, what could show more diversity than mating Sanger with Al Sharpton, a blubbering idiot of a black man that Margaret Sanger would have wanted dismembered in the womb.
It shows the utter derangement of Democrats to fret over slavery conducted in the 18th and 19th centuries while enabling slavery in the 20th and 21st centuries. Slavery is defined as a civil relationship in which one person has the absolute power over the life, fortune and liberty of another. Abortion is slavery having the purpose of ending the life and liberty of another.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
One of the Five's Token Progs
On The Five Monday, one of the segments was on the terrible joke-telling of Hillary Clinton. Geraldo Rivera defended Clinton by pointing out a joke that George W. Bush told about weapons of mass destruction not being found in Iraq and how inappropriate it was due to the Americans who had lost their lives.Tom Shillue pointed out that Bush's joke was self-deprecating while Clinton's jokes were attacks on others. Rivera countered by saying that was a "distinction without a difference".Obviously, Rivera doesn't know what the term "distinction without a difference" means. Here are some examples of distinctions without a difference:
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Geraldo Rivera's Nose and Mr. Potatoheads Nose |
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Rivera's Exhibitionism and Anthony Weiner's Exhibitionism |
Friday, August 14, 2015
Hunting For the King of Beasts
When you're going to hunt and kill the king of beasts, it's important that you use the right bait. Here are some good baits to apply to the hood of your Range Rover to draw out the king:
After putting one of these baits on the hood of your Range Rover, take your bow and hide immediately. These baits should bring the king running. If the king doesn't come, it is probably because he is preoccupied with something that your bait cannot compete with. If that's the case, you could probably get away with jumping the fence and hunting the country fucker on his preserve. If that sounds too dangerous, then you have two options: Wait for the multi-million dollar diversion to end that has the king preoccupied...
...or forget the king and just settle for one of the 320 million beasts that consume their young to grace your trophy wall.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Nature Abhors a Vacuum
Except Between the Ears of Progs
Kerry responds to a Congressman's question as to why the Iran deal is not a treaty:
"Well Congressman, I spent quite a few years trying to get a lot of treaties through the United States Senate, and it has become physically impossible. That’s why. Because you can’t pass a treaty anymore. It has become impossible to schedule, to pass, and I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to basically ideology and politics. So I think that is the reason why."
Less than 48 hours later, Kerry’s subordinate Henry S. Ensher, the State Department’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency (the same IAEA deeply involved in the Iran deal), proudly presented to the IAEA the formal United States ratification of a treaty: the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.
Text in red is excerpted from:
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Personhood or Just Hoods
Bill O'Reilly and Charles Krauthammer discussed abortion last night. O'Reilly stated that human DNA is what makes abortion immoral and indefensible. That is a position I would not argue against, but if that is your position, then how do you judge the cryogenic freezing of human embryos? If human life begins at conception, with the merging of female and male gametes, then isn't freezing this human life to the coldest temperatures possible immoral? Many, if not most, frozen embryos are never implanted in a woman's womb.
Charles Krauthammer "defended" the indefensible by trying to explain how progressives see abortion, a position that Charles clearly does not agree with. He brought up the vague notion of personhood which he did not define. Progressives can defend abortion because a fetus - a human preborn - is not yet a "person".
Personhood could be defined as those qualities and attributes that distinguish one human being from another and make humans unique and differentiable. It's very easy to differentiate me from Arnold Schwarzenegger now, but as two first-trimester fetuses it could be extremely difficult. But a DNA test would show us to be two completely unique beings.
Using personhood as your "morality yard stick" is a totally arbitrary concept, and one person's personhood may not be another's. One Princeton professor, Peter Singer, has argued that killing a child up to two years old can be justified because a child under 2 years of age doesn't plan for the future. The child lives for the present. This type of valuing of human life isn't limited to liberal professors as witnessed by the murder of Terri Schiavo who was denied fluids until she died of dehydration. If she had only been able to forecast a future need for a glass of water and expressed that need, she'd have been a human being.
Conservatives aren't going to accept the progressive's personhood argument and progressives will never accept that human life begins at conception. So, let me offer a compromise.
I propose that humanness be evaluated on the following criteria: DNA, potential, plasticity, carbon footprint, and net societal value. DNA simply separates Man from chimp, and if progressives want to say that chimps are human and deserve human rights, we can take up that issue later. Potential is a measure of the possible future output of a "candidate" for human membership. Plasticity is the measure of a candidate's options in what direction the candidate's life can take in such matters as education, matrimony, fertility and career, etc. Carbon footprint is an important issue for progressives so I'm throwing them a bone. Lastly, net societal value measures whether a candidates contributions to Mankind are a net positive or a net negative.
Using these new criteria, let's choose 3 candidates for human membership taken at random. A random selection chose Barack Obama, Gina McCarthy of the EPA, and a human preborn in the first trimester.
We'll assume all 3 candidates have human DNA.
A measure of potential shows both Obama and McCarthy on the descending side of a bell curve. They have shot their wad. The preborn is on the ascending side of a bell curve whose height is unknowable.
A measure of plasticity shows both Obama and McCarthy to have almost none. The remaining plasticity of McCarthy may allow her to finish her transformation from Gina to Gene, but there's little plasticity left beyond that. The preborn has almost unlimited plasticity in the possible directions its life may take.
The carbon footprints of Obama and McCarthy are gargantuan. That of the preborn are minuscule.
The net societal value of Barack Obama is immensely negative. If he actually does lead Jews to the ovens, it won't change his negative societal value that much as a percentage. McCarthy is an imbecile who didn't even know how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, and her EPA policies will be ruinous to America's prosperity. The net societal value of a preborn is unknowable but it is certainly not negative unless you believe a preborn harms a woman's health.
The conclusions of these new criteria are that the preborn should be allowed to live, and the skulls and legs of Obama and McCarthy should be crushed and their guts harvested to feed the cubs of Cecil the lion.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Padres Vs. Cardinals are a Harbinger of End Times
Pope Francis should stop worrying about the devil's dung and worry about his B.O.
One of the harbingers of End Times could be the Prince of Darkness spreading his divisiveness and fracturing humanity's associations for good, like Christian organizations. If so, then rancor in the Catholic priesthood could be a sign of End Times.
Cardinal Dolan Attacks Donald Trump as 'Nativist'
This week, Cardinal Timothy Dolan took to the New York Daily News to write an incoherent political hit piece against Donald Trump.
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Preview by Yahoo
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I liked Cardinal Dolan before I read his Op-Ed below. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, and those that misinterpret the present condemn the future.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
What Difference Does It Make?
QUESTION: What's the difference between Cecil and Cecile?
ANSWER: One is a dangerous coldblooded killer and one is a lion.
Poor Cecil is dead. Done in by a bow and arrow, and a rifle. Presumably, Cecil was lured from the protection of a Zimbabwe park by a dead animal strapped to the hood of a vehicle, spotlighted and then hit - but not killed - with an arrow. After about 40 hours of tracking, the hunters finally killed Cecil with a rifle. What a gruesome death! Can you imagine anything more gruesome? Mia Farrow was so appalled that she tweeted the address of the American dentist who killed Cecil. The MSM are so appalled they've been covering the death of poor Cecil with abandon.
What the MSM hasn't been covering are the videos uncovering the barbaric practices of Planned Parenthood, the organization headed by the bitch pictured above. I can't explain the difference in coverage. Maybe if preborns could be lured out of the protection of their wombs with a lollipop strapped to a baby toy, the difference would vanish. Or, maybe 40 hours of suffering is the answer. Crushing a head is just too quick and humane. That must be the reason.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Progressive Lives Should Not Matter
Beyond the Ability to Handle a Shovel
Number of US homicides from 1960 to 2013 (54 years)
Number of US abortions since Roe vs. Wade (42 years)
In the 54 years from 1960 to 2013, a yearly average of 19,155 homicides occurred in America. In the 42 years since Roe Vs. Wade, a yearly average of 1,375,289 abortions have occurred in America. That is 3,767 abortions per day. That is 6 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings per hour, 24/7, occurring in America.
No one will ever know what any one of these murdered babies would have grown up to become, maybe an Einstein, a Ronald Reagan or a Willie Mays. But, I know all too well what Obama grew up to become, and I'd trade his soulless miserable life in a heartbeat for any one of the murdered babies.
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