Friday, August 21, 2015

Wasn't the Internment of Japanese-Americans a Form of Slavery?

 “This was not a decision that was made lightly. The vote today confirms that our party believes it is important to change the name of the dinner to align with the values of our modern-day Democratic Party: inclusiveness, diversity and equality.”

So said Dr. McGuire of the Iowa Democratic Party while referring to the Jefferson-Jackson dinner.  The dinner named after two presidents will have its name changed because both Jefferson and Jackson were slaveholders.  Good for Democrats.

Here is a suggestion for renaming the dinner.  For a name with similar alliteration and to uphold the Democratic Party's values of "inclusiveness, diversity and equality", rename the dinner the Sanger-Sharpton dinner.  Rolls off the tongue doesn't it?

What could show the Democratic Party's unrestricted inclusiveness more than the embracing of Margaret Sanger, a white baby-killing satanic bitch who believed and worked for the extermination of peoples she considered inferior?  And then, what could show more diversity than mating Sanger with Al Sharpton, a blubbering idiot of a black man that Margaret Sanger would have wanted dismembered in the womb.

It shows the utter derangement of Democrats to fret over slavery conducted in the 18th and 19th centuries while enabling slavery in the 20th and 21st centuries. Slavery is defined as a civil relationship in which one person has the absolute power over the life, fortune and liberty of another.   Abortion is slavery having the purpose of ending the life and liberty of another.

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