Sunday, November 15, 2015

Earth to Paris

Dear Citizens of Paris,

We, the people of Earth, will not argue the point that some man-caused disaster befell your beautiful city on Friday the 13th, close to the witching hour.  The cries of fear and death, the moribund bodies strewn about, and all the restaurant meals glazed in crimson make any debate on that subject moot.  But, while we will not argue that a man-caused disaster occurred, we vehemently object to French President Hollande blaming ISIS for this overly enthusiastic protest.

On the morning of Friday the 13th, President Obama on ABC's Good Morning America told George Stephanopoulos, "... we have contained them [ISIS]."  Obviously, if the president of America has contained ISIS, then ISIS cannot be responsible for the late-night partying that got out of hand because firearms are not adequately controlled in France.  The debate is over.  It wasn't ISIS.  It may have been a video, and the White House has recalled Hillary Clinton to investigate the possibility.  But, at this point, what difference does it make?  Was it because of a protest or was it because a bunch of guys out for a walk Friday night decided to go kill some Frenchies?

Don't press the issue that it was ISIS.  To do so will cause president Obama to perform all sorts of rhetorical gymnastics for days on end defending his claim, and frankly those are feats of flaccid serpentine movements that have gotten old and disgusting to watch.  We've seen Obama twist himself into a Gordian knot for seven years, now.  The debate is over.  He can cover his ass with his flaccid, serpentine spine. 

We, the people of Earth, grieve with you in your loss.  But, we must grieve quickly and move on.  In December, the world governments are coming to Paris to convene a conference on climate change.  As you know, anthropogenic climate change is the greatest threat facing Mankind - far, far, far greater than a few immature Muslims practicing their faith on a Friday night.  Muslims, who by the way, don't realize that this is the 21st century and this type of behavior is not supposed to exist anymore.

Sincerely Yours,

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