Saturday, September 5, 2015

The Lady Gagas Congress

The term RINO, Republican in name only, is obsolete since the Republican party consists mostly of Washington politicians that work to maintain the power of the State and their positions in it.  The idea that the Republican party stands for traditional American values and morals and vigorously defends the Constitution is simply false.  "Rino" was never an appropriate moniker anyway.  Those two syllables connote superhuman power and a millisecond reaction to charge a threat because the picture of a rhino comes to mind.  Republican politicians are more like meerkats that display an erect backbone only so long as no hawks are seen.  First sign of a hawk or threat has them scurrying back to their burrows.

The meerkat Bob Corker is a good example of today's Republican politician.  It was a bill he authored that ensured and insured that the Iran nuclear deal would get past Congress's scrutiny.  Corker's bill ensured - guaranteed - Obama's agreement with Iran would stand.  Corker's bill insured - guaranteed against loss or harm - Obama's agreement would not even be amended.  Corker's bill might even stop the Senate from voting on the Iran deal and putting egg on Obama's face if a few more Democrats come out and support the deal.

This Republican Congress will not stop the worst international deal since the Munich agreement in which England's Neville Chamberlain surrendered to Hitler's demands.  This Congress can't even muster a vote to defund Planned Parenthood!

Instead of RINO, most Republican politicians should have the moniker "Lady Gaga".  They Go Along to Get Along with the emperor, Barack I.  There's four syllables that appropriately connote vulgarity and indignity.

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