Sunday, June 1, 2014



The Candy Ass of The United States

Why did we swap 5 Taliban devils for one American soldier?  When we could have swapped 100.

Obama should have insisted on sending every GITMO detainee to Qatar in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  He then could have closed down GITMO as he's been promising to do since first running for CATUS.

There is only one reason he didn't do so.  Barack Obama is a candy ass.  He loves breaking the law and flouting executive powers in the face of Congress, but he knows better than going from push to shove.  Or as progs would say, "Nudge your way to your goals."

Obama broke the law in the exchange for Bergdahl.  The law states that he must advise Congress before such an action, but he did not.  The administration said that Bergdahl's declining health made an immediate exchange necessary.  If you believe that, I have some magic beans to sell you.  Eat the beans and you never will need a colonoscopy, and you'll lay golden eggs!

Bergdahl had been held by the Taliban for five years.  Watch as his declining health will limit his activity to a flight to Germany for a "quickie" physical and then on to America and a hug from the CATUS on the White House Rose garden in front of a mob of reporters.

My sister predicted Obama would deflect attention away from the VA scandal by getting Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi released from a Mexican prison.  If she had been any closer to the truth, I would suspect her of being a spy for the White House ferreting out redneck traitors.

Obama needed a win.  And he needed it with the military.  Sgt Tahmooressi is another deflection that Obama can hold onto for two and a half years.

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