QUIZ: What do you call a Beckel bobbing in the ocean?
A. a woman molester turned bouy molester
B. a sex toy for a walrus
C. a garbage scow in distress
D. barnacle heaven
E. flotsam, jetsam and dung some
F. 300 pounds of whale phlegm
Susan Rice said Bowe Bergdahl served with honor and distinction. Bowe Bergdahl's hometown canceled his welcome home celebration because of safety concerns. I'm tall, dark and handsome and a terrific dancer.
The above paragraph contains three lies. One, Bergdahl served with honor. Two, Bergdahl served with distinction. Three, Bergdahl's welcome home celebration was cancelled because of safety concerns. Anyone finding more lies can keep them to themselves.
What makes progs say lies that fly in the face of reality? The simple explanation is: That's what progs do. And judging by Barack Obama, Jay Carney, Susan Rice and Harry Reid, that is a damn good explanation. But, there is probably more to it than that.
I believe progs have a distorted sense of reality. It's what Charles Krauthammer called last night on Special Report the White House's "conceptual problem". Progs live in an abstract world where their lies are believeable, and maybe even true for all I know. In this abstract world Bob Beckel can hit on Eric Bolling's wife, or some other attractive woman, because in Beckel World he's tall, dark and handsome.
In the abstract world progs live in Man does cause climate change. That wouldn't be a problem for us flat-earthers except progs want to take trillions and trillions of dollars from us to fix Beckel World.
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