Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'll Take "Obama Flunkies" for 200, Alex


1.  This Obama flunky is the White House National Security Advisor and quite possibly a traitor to the United States.
Who is:  A)  Tom Donilon
              B)  Van Jones
              C)  David Axelrod

2.  This Chicago slum queen was ready to cash in big time, but her boss couldn't bring home the bacon in Copenhagen.
Who is:  A)  Elizabeth Warren
              B)  Valerie Jarrett
              C)  Anita Dunn

3.  The definition of blarney is nonsense or hooey.  This flunky is all blarney.
Who is  A)  Jay "Blarney" Carney
             B)  David Axelrod
             C)  Both A and B

4.  This Oklahoma-born "cheery Okie" is so damn stupid she wants credit for founding the Occupy Wall Street movement. 
Who is  A)  Anita Dunn
             B)  Elizabeth Warren
             C)  Valerie Jarrett

5.  This former White House employee said her favorite philosophers are Mao Zedong and Mother Theresa so she probably liked the White House Christmas ornament with Mao's face.
Who is  A)  Anita Dunn
             B)  Elizabeth Warren
             C)  Valerie Jarrett

6.  This former White House employee in reference to native Americans screamed,  "Give them the wealth!  Give them the wealth!".  Who knew he meant Elizabeth "Dances with Czars" Warren?
Who is  A)  Van Jones
             B)  David Axelrod
             C)  Jay Carney

7.  Obama has run out of faithful surrogates so he had to send "Juan Valdez" out to speak for him.
Who is  A)  David Axelrod
             B)  Jay Carney
             C)  Van Jones

8.  This woman claimed to have made $100,000 profit on a $1,000 investment in cattle futures in less than 1 year by teaching herself about the cattle market.  The only thing this woman really knows about cattle is what she's learned having lived with her husband's bullshit.
Who is  A)  Elizabeth Warren
             B)  Hillary Clinton
             C)  Valerie Jarrett

ANSWERS:  1A,2B,3C,4B,5A,6A,7A,8B

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