Of the many legal practices of the Iranian justice system, one is shooting young Iranians peacefully protesting in the streets while holding signs beseeching Obama to stand with them. Coming to their defense, what was it Obama said? A, B, C, D...J,K,L,M,N. N, it started with N. Nay, naval, nation, naked. No, November, December. (Is this what the onset of Alzheimer's is like? I once didn't go through the alphabet to remember names or words.) Nuh, nuts, nothing. Nothing. That's it. Obama said nothing.
Now, if you're Stephen Hawking, nothing is pretty damn hot! Because, before the Big Bang, nothing was everything. For the rest of us, we should be humiliated and appalled that our president stood by and said nothing and did nothing while young Iranians were slaughtered simply because they wanted freedom. For Obama, a few dead protesters is a price worth paying, if later he gets a nuclear deal with Iran's Shiite leadership. Another legal practice of their justice system and their faith is that lying to infidels is good.
Obama went on his "apology tour" in 2009, confessing America's sins on three continents. Remember when he was showing despotic world leaders the top of his head, and showing you his nostrils? His handlers cured him of that bad habit of holding his nose up in short order. But in seven years, they haven't come close to curing him of lying and incompetence. It was probably just a coincidence that the Arab Spring began in December 2010 and culminated in the ouster of Egypt's Mubarak in 2011. The Muslim Brotherhood was elected to power in Egypt, which led to the brutal and deadly persecution of the country's Coptic Christians. Christianity is not to be tolerated in fundamentalist Islamic countries. What kind of countries flourish under Obama's tenure?
Obama pulled all American forces out of Iraq, saving defeat from the jaws of victory. That has led to Iraq's Shia government aligning more and more with Shia Iran, and Iraq's Sunni regions coming under the control of ISIS to some extent. It is also leading to the extermination and exodus of Christians in Iraq as well as the Yazidi people.
Obama verbally threatened Syrian leader, Bashar Al-Assad, with a red line of serious consequences should the Syrian leader use chemical weapons against Syria's populace. The red line turned out to have as much substance as Obama's support for the Iranian Green Movement of 2009. The red line was composed of nothing. The violence in Syria has led to a mass exodus of its people, with scores of people drowning attempting to reach Europe.

Obama and Hillary led from behind to remove Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. Qaddafi was killed and Libya was changed from a country to a "kill box" for different warring Muslim factions including ISIS. Under Qaddafi, at least foreign embassies were relatively safe and four Americans wouldn't have died as America's military stood down and Obama slept. Hillary was probably trying to save ambassador Stephens, but it just took her aides more than thirteen hours to remove the classified headings and cut and paste information from Stephens' dispatches to her emails. God forbid that the Secretary of State receive anything classified!
The Arab Spring that began after Obama's apology tour has morphed into a modern-day Exodus. Western Europe is being besieged by Muslims from North Africa and Syria who don't have any intention of adopting western values. With European birth rates declining, European culture is facing an existential threat. Obama's greatest legacy may be the creation of a caliphate from Afghanistan to England.
Obama stopped the installation of a missile shield in Poland. Putin smelled weakness and stole Crimea from Ukraine. Putin is also waging a war using mercenaries in Ukraine. Russia most certainly assisted in downing a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, killing hundreds of civilian passengers. How has Obama responded to this barbaric aggression? He's given Ukraine meals-ready-to-eat, but no defensive weapons. And in his last State of the Union, he called Ukraine a client state of Russia! We Americans have become so inured to the incompetence of our government that we didn't even raise an eyebrow to this sell-out of a sovereign government. How damn sad!
When the American embassy was reopened in Cuba, opponents to the Castro regime were unwelcome. Obama will have to move fast in his final year to close Gitmo and turn Guantanamo over to the Castros.
Obama should consider backing a Republican. With a legacy like his, he shouldn't want to save it.