Friday, March 8, 2013

Well-Adjusted ProgloTykes

The Supreme Court redefined marriage
As the union of Parents One and Two.
Bill Maher and Michael Moore celebrated
By saying their vows on The View.
Their marriage was very peaceful.
They never raised their fists.
The only time one balled his hand
Was when the other got his bedroom wish.
They adopted a beautiful little girl
And they named her Buttercup.
In the moment when she became of age
They trained her to pee standing up.
Buttercup never played with dolls
And certainly never toy guns.
She did enjoy the kitchen
When her parents ate the same cinnamon bun.
Bill and Mike adopted a baby boy
And decided to name him Sue.
Sue was so much easier to train
On how to use the loo.
Sue never played Cowboys and Indians.
He loved his chemistry sets.
His bomb made his parents laugh and laugh
When it moved bowels at a Home for Vets.
One day Sue said to Buttercup,
"Show me your's and you can see mine."
Seeing her little brother's, she exclaimed,
"I thought I would have mine with time!"
Psychiatry and expensive medications
Helped ease Buttercup's phallic frustrations
And her parents promised and promised
Miracles awaited with operations.
Buttercup changed her name to Bill Michaels
And became a lawyer for the ACLU.
She slit her wrists one gloomy morning
Watching all the women on The View.
Sue changed his name to Cynthia.
He had tired of the jokes.
He financed his cocaine habit
Giving older men sawbuck pokes.
I must admit the Left was unquestionably right
Even when children eschew Bibles for porn.
These children didn't turn out any differently
Had they been raised by Ayers and Dohrn.

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