Friday, September 2, 2016

It's a Dog-Eat-Dog World

And It Always Has Been

One thing that brings me hope is when I read about an ignorant, old coot reaching the very top of his profession.  That suggests there is still the possibility I might one day head up the Department of Transportation.  No one provides me with more hope than Pope Francis.

I don't know how much Pope Francis knows about religion in general and Catholicism specifically.  Most of his proclamations that make widespread news concern climate change and Mankind's other sins against the planet.  He's preaching to the choir - the main stream media - when he talks about manmade global warming and the sins of capitalism.

In his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, Pope Francis stated, "God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation and filth."  I didn't know Pope Francis knew so much about the Playboy Mansion.

If there ever was a divine, bountiful garden since the Garden of Eden, it surely would have existed in pre-colonial America.  A very sparsely populated land with plenty of freshwater, woodlands and fertile soil, America before European colonization must have been a "bountiful garden" Pope Francis spoke of.  Well, the bountiful garden nearly starved the Pilgrims to death.  Had it not been for the native Indian, Squanto, who taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, the Pilgrims' colony could have failed.  One has to wonder why God hadn't provided the rows of corn ready-to-eat when the Pilgrims disembarked from the Mayflower.

Even if Man did not exist, Earth would not be a garden of plenty for the animals.  Wildebeests would still have to cross rivers having hungry crocodiles in their migration to find sufficient grasses.  Tribes of monkeys would still declare war on one another for that single fig tree.  A pack of wild dogs would fight a clan of hyenas that fought a pride of lions for a territory that had only enough herbivores to sustain one species of carnivore.  An undeveloped Garden of Eden planet is only a pipe dream in the minds of lunatics like Al Gore and Pope Francis.

Actually, the only resource I can think of that God made firsthand in overflowing abundance are carbon-bearing fuels - coal, oil, and natural gas.  It takes Man's ingenuity and resourcefulness to put these carbon-bearing natural resources to work in creating better lifestyles for everyone, but liberals can't stand that.  Carbon fuels liberate people and liberals want to control people.

Pope Francis said, "Let us repent of the harm we are doing our common home".  As one way to repent, Pope Francis suggested avoiding the use of plastic and paper.  So, to repent your sins you might consider avoiding the use of toilet paper for a month.  It probably won't save the planet, but I will bet you'll have a deeper appreciation that some capitalistic entrepreneur came up with the idea of turning trees into charmin' rolls.


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