Friday, May 20, 2016

Obama Executive Order Approved These Illegal Immigrants in Florida

Under the Obama administration, federal immigration officers released 36,007 illegal aliens having criminal records back onto American streets in 2013.  Of these 36,007 foreigners, there were 193 convicted of murder, 426 convicted of sexual assault, 303 convicted of kidnapping, and 16,070 convicted on DUI charges.  In 2014, there were 30,558 illegal aliens with criminal records released by DHS and ICE.  Once again, in 2015 Homeland Security released 20,000 illegal aliens with criminal records that included convictions for homicides, sexual assaults and kidnappings.  (Source of information: Washington Times)

If Obama's actions permit illegal alien murderers, rapists and child abductors to live amongst us, and his actions - to include the removal of all American troops in Iraq by not getting a status of forces agreement (SOFA) - permit the genocide of Christians and Yazidi in the Middle East, and his inaction permits the deaths of an ambassador and Americans in Benghazi, then what action or inaction that jeopardizes the safety and well-being of Americans and non-Muslims is Obama unwilling to make?  I would say, "None, maybe."

So, now that man-eating Nile crocodiles have been found in the Florida Everglades, who should be suspected of putting them there?  Where do Nile crocodiles originate?  African countries that include Kenya.  Who is the son of a Kenyan and dreams of achieving his father's goals?  Whose father probably wanted to make America look more like Kenya?  Do Nile crocodiles help make America look more like Kenya?  Whose father left America and an American wife because America didn't look enough like Kenya and he couldn't have more than one wife, but he did, and couldn't go into a ladies' bathroom, and missed seeing women peeing behind a tree?  Who is upset because Venezuela is closer to these ideals than America?  Who wants to take away our guns and make us resort to spears and machetes to protect ourselves from all the violent illegal immigrants, to include crocodiles, that he has unleashed upon us?

I would be very upset with the direction this country is taking except for the fact that I'm going to look damn good in a loincloth.

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