Wednesday, June 17, 2015

People, People Who Love Peepal

Are the most wonderful people in the world.

Ficus when I get angry.  Every murder has a bhodi.  I'm stretching word play to an extreme.

The Buddha is claimed to have attained enlightenment or supreme knowledge (bhodi) under a peepal tree  in 589 BC.  Perhaps, this is why the scientific name for the peepal tree is Ficus religiosa.  I know I'll never attain bhodi, but I would at least like to know what happened to the ficus tree that Obama planted in New Delhi in January.  A Google search on "Obama's ficus tree" doesn't produce a single follow-up article on whether the tree lost its leaves and died right after Obama planted it or just lost its leaves in preparation for new buds.  The only relevant article displayed in the Google search after February - stories on the ficus "death" - is my blog posting in March! Note the following excerpt from a CBS News article in February:

"It's a seasonal phenomenon," B.C Katiyar, a top regional government horticulturist, said Thursday, after he and other officials visited the tree and pronounced it in good health. "It will send out shoots within the next 10 days."

Why hasn't there been any updates on the tree?  Inquiring minds, and mine, want to know.  How about a little bhodi news media?

The conspiracy theorist that I am says that little ficus is deader than the wood in James Madison's casket.  After all, what hasn't Obama killed?  When the world's policeman and moral leader goes into hiding, the thugs take over from  Baltimore to the Ukraine.

The NYT can spend resources on Marco Rubio's 4 traffic violations in 20 years (2 were dropped), but they can't follow up on their Dear Leader's ficus?

You might find it silly that I care about a ficus tree in India when there are so many bigger stories like Caitlin Jenner, black white women, deflated footballs, Rubio's driving record, and Ben Carson's stance on gays, but I'm trying to make the case that Obama is the spawn of Satan.  If that SOB can kill a healthy tree in eight days, that ain't natural.  And wouldn't it be delicious for the spawn of Satan to kill a tree with "religiosa" in its name?

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