Ever wonder what happened to Pope Benedict. Well, Obama has Benedict for going on 7 years now.
Will Pope Benedict go down in history as Pope Benedict Arnold? I believe most popes die on the job but for some reason Pope Benedict chose to retire which led to Pope Francis, which led to global warming alarm-ism getting fired up again. Manmade global warming was on the ropes to such an extent that NOAA went back in history and changed temperature readings in order to remove the period of no warming that has occurred for around 18 years now. How, you may ask, did NOAA do this? NOAA recalculated past global temperatures by putting more emphasis on temperature readings taken on ocean water being taken in to cool ships' engines and putting less emphasis on ocean buoys and satellites specifically designed and calibrated to measure global temperatures. That's like using Kim Kardashian's butt as a level because a champagne glass will sit on it instead of a tool designed for the job.
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