Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Climate Forecast: It Won't Rain Men

NOAA says it is changing temperature readings from decades past for homogeneity.  You see there!  You let homos change the definition of marriage and they think now they can change anything.

Obama could have justified the release of 5 GITMO terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl - who served with honor and distinction -  by explaining that they aren't as dangerous as Kanye West.

Did Bruce Jenner commit vehicular homicide so that he could get a sex change operation at the state's expense?

You let some metrosexual turd knocker hold slavery over your head and the next thing you know you'll be blamed for the Crusades.

Now science is saying there wasn't a Big Bang.  I'm getting freaking tired of flushing all of this crap out of my brain.  Since Jeb Bush supports Common Core, I may vote for him.  Common Core will insure children will reach adulthood with nothing to flush from their brains.

It would cost a trifling amount to harden America's electrical grid in defense of an EMP nuclear attack, but I guess the death of half or more of America's population isn't an existential threat.  It would actually lessen the real threat to America:  Climate change.

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