Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tear Jerk(er)

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Obama pretends to cry after Sandy Hook school murders.

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Tears flowed at ceremony honoring Eric Holder's service as AG.

Speaking after the deaths of 26 people at Sandy Hook elementary school that included 20 children, Obama gave the appearance that he was holding back tears.  Try as he might, including forcefully pulling on his right eyelids with the forefinger of his left hand, there wasn't the first tear or moisture seen on his face.  This contrasted to the free flow of tears from Obama at the Eric Holder ceremony in which he made no effort at all to hide his tears.  He only dabbed them from flowing down his face.

The last time Obama showed such emotion was at the DNC convention, when before speaking to the useful idiots, he seemed to want consoling from Michelle.  He acted as if he thought he was going to lose the election.

Barack Obama is a caricature of a human being, and especially of a man.  I believe he lacks empathy.  Perhaps the area of the brain that gives a person the ability to walk in another's shoes and feel love and compassion for another human being is particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of marijuana on brain tissues.  If so, then a society that already emphasizes self-indulgence  over self-sacrifice is only going to get worse.  After banning bullets, Obama may ban federal marijuana laws.  Of course he'll only say that the Justice Department is using prosecutorial discretion.

If we don't experience a catastrophe such as a world war in the next two years, then I for one will see that as circumstantial evidence that there is a God watching over us.  We surely aren't watching over ourselves.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

How Do You Spell Relief?

Indian officials are spelling relief R-E-L-E-A-F, as in "Please little Obama tree, releaf!"

Obama planted a Ficus religiosa tree a couple of weeks ago in New Delhi that was healthy and leafy.  Now, the tree is leafless and looks dead.  I guess the little religiosa tree was Christian.

Some six-plus years ago a majority of voters planted a Fucus tree in America.  Unfortunately, that tree didn't immediately die.  It took root and grew vigorously, and is now threatening to block the sun from ever shining on America again.   There ain't no killing it for at least another two years, and by that time it may be too late.  Iran, Putin, China, ISIS, Mexican cartels and crazy little Kim will be using the next two years to insure America never recovers, and they should succeed.  After all, they're playing chess against an imbecile who telegraphs his moves.  When he does move.

Friday, February 13, 2015

From a Distance

There is Harmony, and It Echoes Through the Land

As much as I complain about Washington DC, I should count my blessings I don't live in a country with a criminal government that steals from its citizens and robs them of their livelihoods with complete impunity.  Take for example, Ukraine.  Thuggish government bureaucrats in that country took close to a million dollars from a businessman's bank account because they accused him - without a sliver of evidence - of providing aid to the pro-Russian separatists.  The businessman spent over $100,000 in attorney fees and court costs to prove his innocence of any crime, and even though the government agreed he was innocent, they still kept over $300,000 of the businessman's money.

If Ukraine treats its own citizens this way, I sure won't visit the country.  How does it treat foreigners?

If the above story is true, you shouldn't vacation in Ukraine.  But, I made the whole thing up.  I'm celebrating Brian Williams Day.  This three day weekend I'll be celebrating Barack Obama Day, Hillary Clinton Day, and Washington's Birthday.  So, don't believe anything I write until Monday, unless I say I cut down a cherry tree - sweet gum maybe.

If I took the above story and changed the country to the United States, it would be true for the most part.  The thuggish, lawless IRS took the bank proceeds from a small business owned by an Iraq War veteran, proceeds in excess of $900,000.  The reason the IRS took the money was because bank deposits were made in amounts under $10,000.  Chop the veteran's head off! 

The businessman has spent over $100,000 to recover his money and even though the IRS knows he is guilty of no crime they insist on keeping over $300,000.

In America it's better to be a foreigner than a citizen.

In the Bette Midler song From a Distance, God is watching us from so far away that everything looks peachy.  All I have to say is He's probably doubled His distance since Obama took office.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Climate Forecast: It Won't Rain Men

NOAA says it is changing temperature readings from decades past for homogeneity.  You see there!  You let homos change the definition of marriage and they think now they can change anything.

Obama could have justified the release of 5 GITMO terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl - who served with honor and distinction -  by explaining that they aren't as dangerous as Kanye West.

Did Bruce Jenner commit vehicular homicide so that he could get a sex change operation at the state's expense?

You let some metrosexual turd knocker hold slavery over your head and the next thing you know you'll be blamed for the Crusades.

Now science is saying there wasn't a Big Bang.  I'm getting freaking tired of flushing all of this crap out of my brain.  Since Jeb Bush supports Common Core, I may vote for him.  Common Core will insure children will reach adulthood with nothing to flush from their brains.

It would cost a trifling amount to harden America's electrical grid in defense of an EMP nuclear attack, but I guess the death of half or more of America's population isn't an existential threat.  It would actually lessen the real threat to America:  Climate change.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Did You Know

THAT Condoleeza Rice and Susan Rice were conjoined twins?  When the doctors separated them, Condoleeza got a complete brain and Susan got a complete ass.

THAT the scaffolding on the Capitol Building is a thunderdome?  Just as soon as two men enter, we'll see a fight to see which one leaves.

THAT Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters entered the Capitol Building and a fight almost ensued?

THAT the scaffolding on the Washington Monument was for precisely measuring its length?  So, when the Obama Monument is built, it will be twice as long.  For earthquake protection, it will go limp in utter terror.

THAT it was planned to put scaffolding on the White House to renovate it, but it was postponed until after Obama finishes trashing the place?

THAT John Boehner doesn't cry when he's making love?  His wife does.

THAT Harry Reid is having eye surgery because he's having difficulty seeing the blooms on his pomegranate trees?  It's a damned lie that he cried on the Senate floor because he missed them one season.

THAT Brian Williams only started telling baldfaced lies after he saw how far it was getting Barack Obama?

THAT Brian Williams may lose his job, but Barack Obama will never lose his?  God doesn't love me enough.