Thursday, April 10, 2014

Putin Took Crimea as an Act of Love

Jeb Bush is running for president.  Hillary is running for president.  I'm running for the border.
Joe Biden said illegal immigrants are already citizens. (They probably do already vote.)  Jeb said illegal immigrants didn't commit a felony but an act of love.  I guess Mexican "mules" carrying drugs across our border is just an act of capitalism.
Why don't the progs just let us take Mexico as an act of love?  We capitalists will rape the land of its vast amounts of oil, gold and other valuable resources and make everyone in Mexico at least middle class.  (I don't know why the Mexicans haven't thought of this.)  That way, there's no immigration problem and no Democrat voters crossing our border.  Initially, we'll have tp put up with the squalor and terrible crime of Mexico City, but we already have to put up with that.  We call it Detroit.
Here's the plan:  Operation Gringo starts May 6, 2015 at noon.  The Latinos will be weary from celebrating Cinco de Mayo and they will be taking a siesta.  (Sure, I'm a bigot.  But I'm a bigot trying to keep casualties to a minimum.)

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