You don't get high technology. The technologies of coal power plants and nuclear power generation evade your comprehension, but you understand perfectly well the idea of a pinwheel rotating in the wind. The concept is familiar to you because it's very similar to the squirrel cages in the heads of your supporters. While the rest of the world is on iphones, you stick with an old-fashioned Blackberry and ponder: Just what is this cloud people are talking about? Is it caused by global warming?
You had just become familiar enough with Windows XP to double-click your mouse on a Windows desktop icon. (Mouse and squirrel, Natasha, where would world be without them?) Now, Microsoft is ending support for XP and you're going to have to go to Microsoft 8. You think maybe putting Bill Gates in jail might make him change his mind. This worked with the media when your and Hillary's incompetence over Benghazi was not exposed by jailing a video maker. But, Gates is helping finance Common Core, and Common Core will educate the kind of citizens America needs. People like those at Occupy Wall Street who know where the restrooms are - right there next to the cop cars - and people who know how to vote in more than one state for Democrats.
You decide jailing Gates isn't such a good idea because it would set a bad precedent. Not realizing you've already set the precedent, you BAD president. No, you decide you'll muddle through. I only hope America and the world can muddle through the two and a half years left in your second and final term. Muddling through is the best we can expect. The worst we can expect is none of us being around for Microsoft's discontinuance of Microsoft 8 support.
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