Alien (Undocumented) Personalized, Optimized, DNA Splicing
I'm just a lonely, imperceptible voice crying out in the wilderness. Even Horton wouldn't be able to discern who I am. Meanwhile, ginger-haired nerd turd Mark Zuckerberg has his utterances embraced like Solomic judgements. Why do I do it?
Well, I don't do it for you...primarily. I do it for me. In the only way I know how, I'm trying to show God that there's at least one person left on this planet, now that Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia is dead, who believes textually in His divinely-inspired United States Constitution and all of the rights it guarantees. You may believe this too, but I can't hear you, Horton can't hear you, and God may not hear you.
With a rainbow, God notarized His promise to Noah and his family to never destroy the earth with a flood again. There could have been people killed in the flood that were worthy of seeing that rainbow but who never proved, in voice, deeds or actions, their worthiness to God.
You'll note that God promised not to destroy the earth with another flood. He never promised not to destroy the earth by some other means. If you look at Mankind today, how much less sinful can it be than antediluvian Mankind? Babies today are killed in their amniotic fluid by the millions. Cuba kills three out of every four babies conceived. It would be more than a shoutout to Planned Parenthood if Obama could get Cecile Richards some of that action. In comparison, antediluvian preborns surely resided in a "sea of tranquility". In many parts of the modern world, women are slaves and subjected to the utterly barbaric practice of female genitalia mutilation. The progressive world doesn't voice objection to this because it believes in cultural relativism (try to love and understand the cannibal as he eats you); the progressive world voices objection to waterboarding and invites the people who should be waterboarded into this country where they can spread their barbaric practices such as female genitalia mutilation, pedophilia, and Sharia law. The Pope, the paragon of virtue, is (1) humbling every Catholic by washing the feet of people who embrace a belief system that is completely antithetical to Christian doctrine, (2) decrying the use of the coal and oil that God created, and (3) disparaging capitalism, an economic system that has relieved more hunger, cured more illnesses, and pulled more people out of poverty than any economic system ever devised. I'd consider "starting over" on just what the perceived infallible Pope is saying and doing.
If another do-over is in the works, God may choose an approach that doesn't destroy innocent wildlife and is more specifically tuned to the actual problem. He could tweak the genetic makeup of every person He sees as a problem using personalized, optimized, DNA splicing (PODS). PODS would be used as the person sleeps, and in the morning the person would wake up none the wiser that he or she is now a totally serene individual incapable of hate and sin and brimming over with love for his or her fellow member of humanity. Personally, I would find this to be a horrible existence; thus I'm doing my best to convince God I don't need PODS.
If tomorrow I find you to be a completely different human being, I want you to know it's been a pleasure, for the most part, knowing the old you.