In the movie Interstellar, the Earth is an inhospitable place where nothing grows but corn, sort of like Iowa. Iowa is so boring that getting out in arctic-temperature weather and spending a whole evening talking about politicians and voting is considered fun. When you can't watch corn grow, you have to do something to pass the time.
It just goes to show what a screwed-up world this is when Iowans are given more influence in choosing a presidential nominee than people who know a God's little acre when they see it, Southerners for example.
Presidential candidates lose their testicles in Iowa faster than Joni Ernst can snip. Even "The Don" got snipped faster than you can say "You're fired!". They were huuuuge! So, candidates leave Iowa already having sold the farm (your farm) to the Ethanol Lobby. What did you get for your farm? You got the privilege to support the production of worse-than-useless ethanol with your taxpayer dollars.
Corn ethanol cost taxpayers approximately $40 billion in tax credits (subsidies) between 1978 and 2012. (NASA could put a permanent colony on the moon and begin mining helium 3 for fusion power research with $40 billion.) Taxpayers spend an additional $10 billion per year in fuel costs because gasoline with 10% ethanol is more expensive and gets poorer gas mileage. Forty percent of America's corn crop goes toward ethanol production. That drives up food prices, puts cattle ranchers out of business, and increases the costs of federal nutrition programs. It also increases the costs of feeding those GITMO detainees, which Obama failed to mention. (GITMO is such a budget-buster!) In 2016, Americans will spend an additional $3.5 billion on food because of the mandates Congress enacted for the use of biofuels.
In addition to its costs, gasoline with ethanol pollutes more than gasoline without ethanol. Making ethanol fuel from corn is also immoral. About 1 in 9 people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active life. America turning 40% of its corn crop into fuel when there are vast amounts of fuels, provided by God, beneath our feet is inhumane.
The Children of the Corn is a horror movie. Now, you know why.
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