Thursday, April 11, 2013

Vicious Snakes

Black-Hearted Obamas and Black Mambas, which are deadlier?

One day Michelle is a busy, single mother and the next day she's a dead teenager.  Think I'm making this up?  Listen from the serpent's own lips:

Why did Barack Obama go 2 for 22 shooting hoops at the White House?

A.  He was playing h-o-r-s-e, and once he spelled "ho" he got distracted (and excited) making up a rapper song in his head.

B.  It was Easter and his hands ached from wounds he suffered over 2,000 years ago.

C.  He thought 2 for 22 was outstanding compared to the "O  for" he's made on green energy companys.

D.  He threw 20 basketballs at Republicans, and went 20 for 20.

E.  White Trash were demonstrating and shouting outside the White House fence about the hypocracy of closing the White House to tours because of budget constraints while Joe Biden goes on vacation 3 times already in 2013, Sasha and Malia go to the Bahamas and Sun Valley, Utah during Spring break, and a musical extravaganza will soon be held at the White House.

F.  Answers A through D are correct.  Answer E is ridiculous because white trash like me have given up.

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