"Joe...Joe, listen to me."
"What? I'm hearing voices now!"
"Joe, I'm Subliminal Joe. Or, as I like to call myself, the smart Joe. I'm part of your subconscious, and you have to listen to me if you want to live."
"I'm listening."
"Joe, you're not awake. You're asleep and you're having a nightmare. And, if the nightmare continues on it's present course, you'll have a massive coronary."
"Well Mr. Smart Joe, even if I was asleep experiencing a nightmare - WHICH I'M NOT - it wouldn't cause me to have a heart attack. If you are me, you know I've had nightmares where I've found myself back in school and completely naked. And I've had nightmares where I'm being chased by a T. Rex and I'm running as if I'm waist-deep in molasses. Those nightmares didn't harm me, and neither will this one. If, as you say, I'm asleep having a nightmare. I don't believe that."
"In the past when you had nightmares, you weren't 65 years old. You weren't thirty pounds overweight and with sleep apnea. And you didn't have a blood pressure exceeding 200 over 100, and currently climbing due to your stress. I have to convince you that you are asleep. And if I can't change the course of your nightmare, you'll have a heart attack on November 8th, which is only ten minutes from now in real time."
"Joe, using your logic, is it conceivable that the American electorate has become so debased in morals and values that Hillary Clinton would be winning handily in every swing state?"
"Using logic, that is exactly the conclusion I've reached. Morality in America is in free-fall. Just last week, it was on the internet that a woman was going to pay for an abortion by selling the baby's organs on Ebay."
"That's part of your nightmare. It isn't real!"
"You're telling me that morality isn't in free-fall. And babies's organs aren't being sold for profit?"
"No, I am saying that a woman selling her baby's organs on Ebay is not reality. You've dreamt it. OK, let me ask you this: Is it logical that the Republican party nominated Donald Trump for president?"
"No, it wouldn't be, except for the Zika pandemic of the 1990s. All of those poor babies with normal brains for empathy, compassion and IQs, but lacking the ability to discriminate between good and bad candidates, are now voting-age Republicans."
"No, no, no! That's part of your nightmare. There was no Zika outbreak in the 1990s."
"OK, Joe. let me try this tack. In the past year, can you remember taking a bath, brushing your teeth, or shaving?"
"Hmmm...that's strange. I don't remember doing any of those things for a long, long time."
"So, you must be one musky, bearded hobo."
"I must look and smell terrible!"
"Come look in this mirror."
"Where did that mirror come from?"
"Never mind, just come look in the mirror."
"My God. My God! I look like Cary Grant. This is great. This is fantastic."
"Now, do you really look like Cary Grant?"
"Well, maybe on my best days."
"OK, Cary. Stop ogling your face and look at your arms."
"What the shi...! I've shaved my arms. And I've got tats! I'm a damn metrosexual!"
"Now, would the real Joe do that?"
"Absolutely not! Oh my God, I am dreaming. And my subconscious is trying to save me. What can I do?"
"Knowing that you're having a nightmare can give you the ability to control it. You can turn the nightmare of a Hillary Clinton presidency into a pleasing dream and lower your blood pressure."
"You mean I can fly with Bill Clinton and his lecherous pals to Fantasy island?"
"No, you moron. I mean instead of you suffering a massive coronary at the exact moment Hillary Clinton shatters the "glass ceiling" you can change the course of the nightmare such that, at the very moment Hillary Clinton is about to break the glass ceiling, she suffers a massive stroke. And for the rest of her life, Bill never again refers to her as Hilla the Hun, but does like to call her Vegetable Lasagna."