Friday, May 22, 2015

Obama Puts the Boo in Giga

It's scary how incompetent and malevolent Barack Obama is.  From Obama's first day in office to July 2013, 15,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity had been lost.  Fifteen thousand megawatts is the same as 15 gigawatts (pronounced jig-uh-wots), or 15 billion watts.  From Obama's first day in office to May 2012,  The Department of the Interior had approved solar, geothermal and wind projects totaling 6,587 megawatts of electricity generation.  So, even if all the approved "green energy" projects were built and online, there would be a net loss of 8,413 megawatts due to the loss of coal-fired power plants being regulated out of existence.  When Obama stated that energy costs will necessarily skyrocket under his administration, he was telling the truth.  Will wonders never cease!

Iran and North Korea can stop working on nukes to cripple America's electrical grid.  The Democrats have already struck the grid with an EMP.  An Ebony Metrosexual Pussy.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Complementary Miracles

News stories about science being on the verge of defeating old age and death have been on Drudge and other web sites lately.  One headline claimed 1,000 year lifetimes.  One article was about scientists having found a gene that could possibly allow human cells to renew themselves through perfect (without errors) DNA replication for virtually forever.

The trouble with living forever is that progressives might find an appreciation for the second amendment and shoot your ass.  Do you really think they're going to tolerate you exhaling an interminable amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

But, do not fear because warp drive is here.  NASA, it seems, has serendipitously  stumbled upon faster-than-light travel.  While working on an electromagnetic drive rocket engine, faster than light speeds have been detected.  If these preliminary results are true, then travel to earth-like exoplanets in other stellar systems would become a possibility.

If either of the above stories about living for 1,000 years or NASA discovering a warp drive engine turn out to be true, then I'll eat Peanut the turtle who is claimed to have been disfigured during its growth by a coke ring.

"Now, now Peanut.  I'm not going to eat you.  I'm going to kiss you right after I  hug some polar bears."