Thursday, August 29, 2013

The World Won't End With a Whimper

But With a Whopper
The following, in blue, is excerpted from Bill Clinton's eulogy of Rosa Parks in 2005 (sourced from
I remember as if it were yesterday [it was yesterday when you concocted this lie, you idiot] that fateful day 50 years ago. I was a nine-year-old Southern white boy [BREAKING NEWS:  Bill Clinton is white] who rode a segregated bus every single day of my life [every single day of your life!]. I sat in the front [where I could fondle little Jennifer Flowers]. Black folk sat in the back [where my spit balls landed]. When Rosa showed us that black folks [why use plural here and singular before, Bubba?] didn’t have to sit in the back anymore, two of my friends and I who strongly approved of what she had done decided we didn’t have to sit in the front anymore [it sucks to sit up front!]. It was just a tiny gesture by three ordinary kids [from Arkansas who knew about Rosa Parks from Montgomery, Alabama], but that tiny gesture was repeated over and over again, millions and millions of times in the hearts and minds of children [ordinary children like me who knew about Rosa Parks from Montgomery, Alabama], their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents [bigots who had just been waiting for someone to refuse to sit in the back for them to open their eyes], proving that she did help to set us all free [which those piss ant Founding Fathers had refused to do].
In Bill Clinton's speech at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's I have a Dream speech, Clinton said King's words opened minds, melted hearts and moved millions, including a seventeen-year-old watching the speech alone in Arkansas.  In concocting this lie, why do you think Clinton inserted the word alone?  Was it to suggest his gallant, lonely, Christ-like battle against Man's sins against blacks as a young man growing up in the South?
I must admit that I have some sympathy for Hillary.  She just doesn't have Bill's flare for bending the truth.  Her "stories" about the hundredfold profit in cattle futures in one year's time, being named for Sir Edmund Hillary, and her corkscrew landing in Bosnia to avoid enemy fire couldn't even be defended by the MSM.  In her marriage to Bill, it's just extremely hard for her to get a whopper in edgewise.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Miley Cyrus of International Diplomacy


America is in decline because America chooses to be.  Last November, Americans went to the polls and voted for four more years of lies, deceit and incompetence.  They voted for a man who didn't run on his record, but on a caricature of Mitt Romney's.  He didn't run on his war successes, but on an imaginary war on women and the valor of Seal Team Six.  He didn't run on his broken promises to end the influence of K Street; he ran on the money of K Street, Wall Street and Sesame Street.
One must begin to wonder, if one wonders, whether Obama is completely incompetent or incredibly sinister.  Even a blind squirrel is said to occasionally find an acorn, so Obama should be statistically ready to stumble on an acorn in international diplomacy.  If Obama doesn't sniff out the acorn in Syria, then why would anyone trust his perceptions on the really big issues such as NCAA brackets, why Cambridge police act stupidly and what surprised, enchanted, troubled and humbled him in his first 100 days?
My hunch is: Obama won't find the acorn.  The only acorn left to find is the destruction of Assad's air force which can be accomplished with stand-off weapons and not putting American airmen in harm's way.  Only a serious strike against Assad's military will have any meaning.  Should Obama just launch cruise missiles to cover his ass, that will be worse than doing nothing.  America's opponents will only intensify their probing of Obama's weaknesses.  And that's got to hurt. 
Not taking out substantial military assets will damage the moderate Syrian rebels' morale and embolden Assad.  The radical Islamist rebels will just smile and cut off another Christian head.  It will illustrate to Iran that America is a tiger only on paper and never will force the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions during Obama's second term.  Israel will know that Iran's nukes are her problem alone.  Russia and China will confidently push their agendas as America's allies never again question America's resolve.  How do you question something that doesn't exist?
If you are depressed by what you see happening to America,  my advice is Don't fret over things you can't control.  We - the country - wanted this.  Attila the Hun didn't herd the children of a looted village ahead of his army to storm our gates.  He didn't pile dead bodies into ramps to breach our walls. 
We elected Atilla.